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Posts by Nanbiosis


CIBER-BBN will celebrate its 11th Annual Conference on November 13 and 14 in Santander. In these conference there will be a session dedicated to NANBIOSIS. Likewise, the annual meeting of the Scientific Technical Advisory Committee of NANBIOSIS will take place.

As in previous occasions, the meeting will serve to know the activity of NANBIOSIS, the Singular Technical Scientific Infrastructure (ICTS) of the CIBER-BBN and the Minimally Invasive Surgery Center Jesus Usón for the production and characterization of biomaterials, nanomaterials and devices up to its preclinical validation.

As a novelty, it will be presented at the conference, the new internal structure, generated by NANBIOSIS for the development of “turnkey” projects in which, taking advantage of the complementarity and experience of its Units, NANBIOSIS offers complete service packages, with added value, adapted to the client’s needs, for applications such as nanotherapeutic agents, regenerative medicine, medical and diagnostic devices, among others. Some of the packages that are already designed or in more advanced stages will be explained, among which stands out the service of characterization and cascade assessment of nanomaterials that includes the characterization of the physicochemical attributes, their biological properties in vitro (immunology, toxicology and efficacy), and its in vivo compatibility (immunology, toxicology and efficacy), using appropriate animal models, with the possibility of being subject to regulatory conditions of Good Laboratory Practices. Some success stories of these “turnkey” projects developed in NANBIOSIS will be shown.

On this occasion, in addition, it is planned a presentation of EATRIS , the European Infrastructure for the Translation of Medicine, with which NANBIOSIS has initiated a line of collaboration.

Since its launch in July 2015, NANBIOSIS has received more than 550 access requests through its website, with an average participation of some 80 competitive projects per year and with an annual income for its services of between 2 and 3 million euros. Among its users, there are more than 100 companies.

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NANBIOSIS presented at the 12th annual event of the ETPN

During the days 17-19 of October Malaga has hosted the 12th annual event of European Platform of Technology in Nanomedicine (ETPN), a European meeting of 200 experts in research and innovation in nanomedicine.

The meeting was organized by Bionand, the Spanish Platform of Nanomedicine (Nanomed Spain), the Institute of Nanoscience of Madrid (Imdea) and the Center for Biomedical Research Network in the area of ​​Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), partner of NANBIOSIS.

During the event, the ETPN General Assembly took place as well as parallel meetings of the specialized working groups on different scientific and cross-cutting aspects related to nanomedicine

In this framework, the ICTS NANBIOSIS has been presented by the Scientific Director of CIBER-BBN, Ramón Martínez Máñez, to the European Nanomedicine community.


The European Technology Platforms are a key element in the European field of innovation, associations born with the mission of sharing knowledge, mobilizing the actors involved and developing sector strategies, all based on the social challenges established by the European Commission and with the ultimate goal of its translation to the market.

The European Nanomedicine Technology Platform (ETPN) was created in 2005 by the European Commission and a group of experts from academia and industry who have since contributed to the publication of various strategic documents identifying the needs and the roadmaps for research in Nanomedicine in Europe. Its main objectives are to establish a clear strategic vision of the sector, to reduce the fragmentation of nanomedical research, to mobilize public and private investment, to identify priority areas, to promote innovation in nanobiotechnologies for medical use and to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness in this sector scientific and industrial level

Currently, the ETPN has more than 120 members from 25 countries, representing all actors involved in nanomedicine, such as academic institutions, research centers, small and medium enterprises, industry, public agencies, representatives of the platforms the European Commission itself, among others.

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Nanomedicine Summer School

The second Summer School in Nanomedicine coordinated by Simó Schwartz, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS unit 20,  was held at Vall d’Hebron hospital on 28 and 29 September. Dr. Schwartz has been the president of the European Society for Nanomedicine (ESNAM), a European scientific society focused on the clinical application of nanomedicine. From this society tasks are carried out to promote the research and the use of nanomedicine in the health sector, as well as to facilitate the exchange of knowledge in this area at European level among all the actors involved, Academy, industry and entities regulators.

CIBER-BBN, partner of NANBIOSIS, as sponsor of ESNAM, has collaborated in the organization of this event. Lectures were given by some Scientific Directors  or Coordinators  of NANBIOSIS units as Jaume Veciana, Ibane Abasolo, Laura Lechuga and Antoni Villaverde .

Photos of the meeting can be viewed in this link.

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JUMISC, partner of NANBIOSIS, represents Spain in a European network of 22 countries

The Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (JUMISC), partner of NANBIOSIS toguether with CIBER-BBN,  leads a multidisciplinary European research network to improve present urinary stents and prevent their causes of failure.

The idea of creating the network was born from a research, started in 1999 by Doctor Soria, Researcher-Coordinator of the Endoscopic Surgery Area at the JUMISC and the promoter of the mentioned network, representing Spain.

His proposal has been supported by the European and Spanish Urology Association, and funded by the Horizon 2020 Program-Cost Actions (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)

The focus of this Action is to create a multidisciplinary team to identify the problems concerning the urinary stents (design, composition, biomaterial applications, coatings, incrustation, etc.) and to promote future research on this field. In this way, the network will try to reduce adverse effects provoked by the present stents.

This European network (2017-2021), coordinated by Dr. Soria, the Chair of the Action, is composed by 22 European countries and other proposals coming from USA,  Japan, South Korea,  Israel, Canada, Russia, India and it is open to other invited countries to cooperate inside  the organised working groups.

This action will provide, during the next 4 years, an extensive and interdisciplinary R&D program to discover the causes of failure of the present stents and will propose cooperative work in urology and bioengineering field.

This proposal, an initiative of the JUMISC, leaded by Doctor Sánchez Margallo, will contribute to improve healthy-quality of patients, reduce in health care costs, and increase the competitiveness of the European medical device industry.

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New Zealand White rabbit as a model for preclinical studies addressing tissue repair at the level of the abdominal wall.

Juan Manuel Bellón and Gemma Pascual, Scientific Director and Coordinator of Unit 17 of NANBIOSIS, have recently published an article in the prestigious journal Tissue Eng Part C Methods.

Once a prosthetic material is implanted, an inflammatory reaction is induced in an attempt to remove it or isolate it from the host tissue. After this initial response, a cellular response takes place that gives rise to the start of the process of integration of the biomaterial within the host tissue. Immunohistochemical studies can provide information on the events that regulate this process, and are useful to analyze the progression of the implant and the neoformed tissue. For the tissue repair of a damaged area constantly subjected to tensile forces such as the abdominal wall, optimal collagenization is an extremely important factor. The proper deposition and organization of mainly collagen type I in the neoformed scar tissue will condition the mechanical strength and compliance of the repair zone and thus possible hernia recurrence. In this report, we review the use of the New Zealand White rabbit as the experimental animal for several models of abdominal wall repair and among other techniques, collagen component of the implants was assessed by immunofluorescence using anti-collagen type I and type III monoclonal antibodies. Samples were examined using a confocal microscope Leica SP5 belonging to the platform ICTS ‘NANBIOSIS’ U17 of the CIBER-BBN at the University of Alcalá.

Important information gained from selected models was observed in terms of tissue ingrowth and collagen deposition in the implant area showing significant differences depending on the properties of the implanted prosthetic material. Some variations were also observed in biomechanical properties according to the components comprising each prosthetic material.

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Best Abstract award at the European Society for Surgical Research meeting

Verónica Gómez-Gil, collaborator in Unit 17 of NANBIOSIS and the GITBIT-UAH group (CIBER-BBN), has been the first prizewinner in the Best Abstract Competition  at the symposium “New horizons in prevention and treatment of adhesions” organized by the Dutch Adhesion Group (DAG) at the 52nd meeting of the European Society for Surgical Reseach (ESSR). The ESSR 2017 meeting was held in Amsterdam from 14th till 17th June. The title of the abstract, presented as a quick-shot presentation and a full oral during the congress, was: An experimental adhesiogenic model to evaluate histological events over time in the omentum during adhesion formation.

This work shows that distribution of soluble and membrane-bound form of betaglycan, together with the expression of TGF-β1 and TGF-β3 at each time point after adhesion formation, are key factors to the cytoarchitecture and composition of omental adhesion tissue. These findings are of interest in the design of new adhesion prevention strategies.

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CIBER-BBN, partner of NANBIOSIS, leads the European initiative Nano4p, reference in Nanomedicine

CIBER-BBN along with other leading partners from various European countries, are setting up the “Precision Nanomedicine for People (Nano4P)” Flagship Initiative (www.Nano4P.eu).

Nano4P aims to develop material science and nanotechnology-based highly precise tools for the detection and tailored treatments of diseases, based on the unique characteristics of each person and taking advantage of stratification and molecular-level information. In this way, the paradigm shift that is already becoming visible in the healthcare system, will definitively enable to move from traditional treatment of diseases by existing drugs/tools, towards a predictive, preventive, precise and participatory (4P) medicine.

FET-Flagship Initiatives tackle grand science and technology (S&T) challenges. To get the expected outcome and an added value to Europe, the close collaboration of a large number of different scientific disciplines, industries, public regulatory agencies and nanosafety agents is mandatory. To date, only two initiatives of this FET-Flagship program have been developed, one of them, the Graphene project, with the participation of some CIBER-BBN groups and NANBIOSIS Unit 8.

We cordially invite you to support the FET-Flagship Initiative Nano4P by fulfilling the online template in the SUPPORT NANO4P section (http://www.nano4p.eu/support.php) of NANO4P website (http://www.nano4p.eu/). The interplay of all of us will definitively strength the Nano4P Initiative to build a network of excellence leading from the invention and development of disruptive technologies to the needs of the European society.

Thanks in advance for your interest and support.



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NANBIOSIS at the EATRIS Conference Translational Medicine 2017

NANBIOSIS  has actively participated in the third bi-annual conference organised by EATRIS, (the European infrastructure for translational medicine) in Prague on 24-26 of September Translational Medicine 2017: Enhancing predictivity in medicines development . The event gathered a wide range of stakeholders (industry, academia, policymakers) and focussed on bringing together the latest approaches to increase chances of success in drug development, from novel in vitro systems to new biomarkers or clinical trial methodology for patient selection and stratification.

Jesús Izco, Coordinator of NANBIOSIS, presented NANBIOSIS initiatives of joint collaboration, which were well received and will be coordinated and developed during the next months.

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NANBIOSIS organizes a forum for researchers and companies. Dates (probably February 2018) and location (probably Madrid) will be announced soon.

NANBIOSIS organizes a forum for researchers and companies. Dates (probably February 2018) and location (probably Madrid) will be announced soon.


The forum is presented through 2 sessions:

• First session: Short interventions of the latest advances and developments in the lines of research developed by the groups and platforms of Nanbiosis and description of the needs and demands of industry in that area. The companies and groups that request it will be able to have about 10 ‘to present their lines of research and / or needs and demands in relation to the thematic of the forum.
• Second session: Bilateral company-group / platform meetings to identify possible collaborations. These meetings will be pre-scheduled on request.

If you are interested in participating, contact Eduard Farré (628.943.198, efarre@arvor-ing.com) or with Jesús Izco (679.490.537, jmizco@ciber-bbn.es).


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A new extraordinary deadline for admissions to the II MASTER ON ENDOSCOPY AND MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY IN SMALL ANIMALS has been set up, from 1st to 14th September. It is organised in collaboration with the Extremadura University ant takes place in Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre as affiliated entity, offering 60 ECTS-credits.Necessary requirements include having a Veterinary studies degree and a B1 English Certificate. The Master will be held during the academic calendar 2017-2018, according to the established program, that will promote the interaction with the students via an on-line training platform, the direct contact with professors and experts, as well as offering an open material repository.

The Master consists on 4 hands-on training sessions at the JUMISC’s, an external stage in one of our partners centre and the Master’s degree final project.

Further info: www.ccmijesususon.com/ceycmi2017

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