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Posts by Nanbiosis

NANBIOSIS U7 Scientific Director, J Samitier and his vision on technology as a source of eternal youth

Josep Samitier, Scientific Director of U7 of NANBIOSIS, Nanotechnology Unit, has been recently featured in an article in the Jornal “El Mundo”

Following the publication of the book “The Death of Death” by Jose Luis Cordeiro and David Wood, which says that by 2045 death will optional thanks to new technologies finding a way to cure aging, the article interviewed Josep Samitier, to have a more realistic point of view.

The book ‘Death of death’ assures that in 2045 die will be something optional thanks to the new technologies will find a way to cure aging based on success examples of regenerative medicine, stem cell treatments, therapies genetics, 3D printing of organs or bioengineering, that in approximately 30 years aging will be a curable disease, that young indefinite longevity will be achieved, or, in other words, the possibility of being young indefinitely and that death will be, defect, something optional.

José Luis Cordeiro, co-author of the book goes back to 1950 to remember that it was there when it was discovered that the problem of cancer is that it is biologically immortal. They are, in the same way, germ cells or some stem cells, present in all organisms. “What we did not have before is the technology we have today, which allows us to detect the genetics of these cells, when the body dies, the germ cells, the mother and the cancer die, because the food ends, but if they are isolated and they are kept in the right environment, these cells are kept alive permanently”. So, his proposal is to investigate what determines that these are immortal cells and try to imitate the process to find the way that this affect our aging until it stops.

Dr. Angel Raya, Principal Investigator of the CIBER-BBN in the Center of Regenerafiva medicine of Barcelona clarifies that “the diseases that affect us in relation with aging are diseases in which the symptom is produced by the failure of one of the parts of the system, the idea is that if we recover the function of that part in a functioning system, the patient will not have that disease, but that does not mean that he will have more life”.

According to Josep Samitier, “there are fundamental problems associated with aging, such as the loss of muscle mass, the loss of certain capacities …, the human being has cells that are born, develop, die and they are replaced by others, but as we gain years, the replacement stops occurring, understanding. Well this, that does not happen and is maintainance is much more complicated”. In short, the experts consulted affirm that the human body is not reduced to the parts or organs that make it up, and that fixing its mechanical failures will not result in lengthen life indefinitely. “A house made of billets can crumble, but the materials that constituted it, the iron and silicon atoms that form the sand and the iron beams will remain there even if the house disappears,” continues Samitier, “In the same way, we are made up of water, carbohydrates, fats …, the atoms of these substances endure and are quite immortal, but we have to think about the organization of this system, and what we see is that it is something difficult to maintain in a functional way for many years. Advances in bioengineering will help us to live longer and with better quality of life, we will solve some issues and we will have options to fix hearts after heart attacks and things like that, but the problem is not that one thing fails, it is that several fail”.


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CCMIJU, partner of NANBIOSIS and the Real Academia Nacional de Medicina sign a scientific cooperation agreement

The Real Academia Nacional de Medicina and the Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón, located in Cáceres, have signed a cooperative agreement in the field of training and cooperative R&D projects.

Last 24th April, Professor Joaquín Poch Broto, President of the Real Academia Nacional de Medicina (RANM) and Mr. Luis Casas Luengo, the CCMIJU’s Managing Director, met at Madrid to sign a cooperative agreement.

This event, held at the Yellow Room of the Academia, counted on Prof. Vicente Calatayud (Academic Member), Prof. Luis Pablo Rodríguez (General Secretary), Dr. Francisco Miguel Sánchez Margallo (CCMIJU’s Scientific Director), and its founder, Prof. Usón Gargallo (Honorary President).

On one hand, this agreement focuses on training, mobility, stays, grants… and on the other hand, on didactic activities, carrying out postgrad courses and seminars. It includes the cooperation in R&D projects, specifically in all related to the development of new materials, tools, equipment and new systems in the health field.

The signing considers the cooperation with other companies and research institutes to promote and improve the training of the physicians.

The RANM promotes and carries out activities to develop medicine and spreads its results for the application to society. On 13th March, Academy agreed to support CCMIJU’s candidacy to Princesa de Asturias Awards, in International Category.

The CCMIJU is devoted to research, training and innovation. From 2014 it is one of the 29 existing Singular Scientific Technological Infrastructure (ICTS) in Spain.

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How to validate your favourite antibodies?

Are you interested in learning how to validate your favourite antibodies?

Do not miss the opportunity to attend the 4th EuroMAbNet Antibody Validation Workshop!

The Antibody Validation Workshop brings together highly specialized scientists in monoclonal antibody (mAbs) technology with PhD students and young scientists who are using antibodies in their research projects. The workshop will provide a set of criteria and recommendations that will help you to select the most effective mAbs from those available in the market and provide the strategic guidance needed to perform any essential antibody validation. This includes verifying antibody specificity, selectivity, sensitivity and reproducibility.

Nuria Pascual, Scientific Coordinator of NANBIOSIS U2, Custom Antibody Service (CAbS), is member of EUROMABNET and member of  organizing committee of the antibody validation workshop

Click  here to see the program of the, 4th EuroMAbNet Antibody Validation Workshop, 1st of July 2018, University of Ghent’s Congress Center, Ghent , Belgium. The 4th EuroMAbNet Antibody Validation Workshop will be held as a satellite event within the Core Technologies for Life Sciences (CTLS) meeting 2018.

Register  here before the 20th of June


  • Registration fee: 80€  (Coffee breaks and lunches are included in the registration)
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The EVO-NANO project will allow testing the behavior of nanoparticles within a tumor

The CIBER-BBN-CIBBIM group, led by Dr. Simó Schwartz, coordinating NANBIOSIS U20. In Vivo Experimental Platform has been granted a FET Innovation project (Future and Emerging Technologies)  within the Horizon 2020 program. The EVO-NANO project aims to develop a virtual simulator, called NanoDoc, which will allow testing the behavior of nanoparticles within a tumor and with other nanoparticles.

It is a multidisciplinary project that will develop a consortium of European research centers with the aim of creating a platform available to everyone and at the forefront of Nanomedicine that facilitates the rapid development and testing of new treatments against cancer. “It will become an evolutive platform capable of autonomously offering innovative, efficient and adapted solutions that can also be transferred to other complex biomedical challenges,” explains Dr. Schwartz Jr.

Until now, it is unknown how the behavior of nanoparticles when they are injected in large volume and come into contact, for example, with the bloodstream. It is not known whether the fruit of the interactions between them and with the media will have a better or worse therapeutic efficacy. In the same way, its distribution in a tumoral environment is not known, if they affect more to one type of cells than to others, their behavior before cancer stem cells, etc.

“This simulator will help to understand how nanoparticles interact with each other and in a biological environment when they are injected, in a large volume, in a tumor or in any part of the body,” Dr. Schwartz Jr. adds. Nanoparticles that have an optimal behavior that will later be studied and validated in biological models in vitro and in vivo in breast and colon cancer stem cells.

In addition, the project has an industry partner, Pro Chimia Surfaces, which will promote a translation strategy that enables the arrival of new patients’ nanomedicaments.

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Conference on Nanotoxicity, next May 24, Parc Scientific of Barcelona

NANBIOSIS is organizing a Conference on Nanotoxicity in collaboration with Nanomed Spain and Materplat, next May 24 in the Parc Scientific of Barcelona, to debate about the efect of nanotoxicity of nanoparticles and nanotechnologies in health.

The increase of potential risks to health has created the new discipline of nanotoxicity, that is, the study of the toxicity produced by the effect of nanoparticles and nanomaterials. The objective of this day is to learn more about the lines that are being followed by researchers in the area of ​​nanotoxicity, the progress of different projects in this field, as well as existing tools to know and reduce the toxicity of nanoparticles and nanomaterials.

Nanotechnology intervenes in the design, production and use of structures and objects that have at least one of its dimensions in the scale of 100 nanometers or less. This science is allowing the achievement of advances in various areas with great repercussions for society.

However, manufactured nanoparticles can have properties and effects very different from those of the same materials in conventional sizes, which may pose new risks to the health of man and other species. Some nanoparticles, which are used as a vehicle for drugs to reach the desired cells in greater quantities, to reduce the side effects of the drug in other organs or both, have the same dimensions as certain biological molecules and can interact with them.

The increase of potential risks to health has created a new discipline, nanotoxicity, that is, the study of the toxicity produced by the effect of nanoparticles and nanomaterials. The objective of this day is to learn more about the lines that are being followed in research in the area of ​​nanotoxicity, the progress of different projects in this field, as well as existing tools to know and reduce the toxicity of nanoparticles and nanomaterials.

The event will count with the presentations of Jesús Izco, Executive Director of NANBIOSIS, Ibane Abasolo, Scientific Coordinator of NANBIOSIS U20 In Vivo Experimental Platform and Francisco Balas,Scientists of NANBIOSIS U09 Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit

The assistance is free but it is necessary to register.
For further information, agenda and registration click here 
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Gene therapy in pseudohypoparathyroidism

In 1942, Albright and colleagues described the first hormone resistance syndrome, which they called pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) (1), patients had a specific phenotype consisting of short stature, central obesity, round face, short neck and brachydactyly, which is what that today we know like Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy (AHO, Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy).

Nanobiocel research group, coordinator of NANBIOSIS U10. Drug Formulation, is working on the project “Gene therapy in pseudohypoparathyroidism: experimental development based on CRISPR / CAS9 and non-viral vectors“.
 The objective of the project is to design and validate the ex vivo gene therapy protocol for the correction of known mutations in the GNAS gene, causing pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) type 1A and pseudoPHP, through the following operational objectives: (1) Validation of the model lymphoblasts (immortalized or not) for the application of gene therapy; (2) CRISPR / Cas trial design and vehicularization in non-viral vectors; (3) Identification and characterization of off-target insertions (if any) and (4) Confirmation through functional studies of the correct functioning of the protein obtained from the modified gene.
The project will be carried out by the following research groups: BioAraba of Molecular Epigenetics in rare diseases, led by Dr. Guiomar Pérez de Nanclares, in the OSI Araba – Txagorritxu, the group Nanobiocel, led by Jose Luis Pedraz at UPV/EHU, this group is part of CIBER-BBN and ICTS NANBIOSIS and the group of Professor Cesar Martin, Biofisika Institute (UPV/EHU, CSIC).
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Microfluidic technologies to study the cardiomyopathy processes of Duchenne’s disease

Ignacio Ochoa and Luis Fernandez, researchers of the AMB group of CIBER-BBN and I3A-University of Zaragoza, coordinator of NANBIOSIS U13. Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit, are working on the european project “CISTEM – HEART ON CHIP BASED ON INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELL TECHNOLOGY FOR PERSONALIZED MEDICINE” . They are developing heart on a chip microfluidic devices to study the cardiomyopathy process in the Duchenne muscular distrophy using microfluidic technologies.

CISTEM Kick-off Meeting was successfully held on 24th of January 2018 at Elvesys, Paris, France. Representative of the consortium organizations including academic institutions and industry representatives were participating in this meeting: BioSense Institute, Elvesys, Cherry Biotech, Universidad Zaragoza, BEOnChip and Jagiellonian University

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NANBIOSIS participates in the new Video “Technological Strategy MATERPLAT”

MATERPLAT, Technological Platform of Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials, premieres Youtube channel with a video in which it discloses the activities of the platform and how they try to help to promote the creation of a national ecosystem in the field of advanced materials and nanomaterials .

The video is also about one of the last major milestones of the platform: the elaboration of the Spanish Technological Strategy of Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials, in which NANBIOSIS has participated through its Coordinator, Jesus Izco, who leads the Materplat health innovation group.

Video “Technological Strategy MATERPLAT” 

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Nora Ventosa, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U6, presented the Smart4Fabry project to the compressed fluids community

Last  25th April, Nora Ventosa, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U6. Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit, presented Smart4Fabry project to the compressed fluids community at the 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids in Antibes, France.

This event is held every three years, gathering investigators from all domains with the aim to promote knowledge and applications of Supercritical Fluids.

According to the ISASF, International Society for Advancement of Supercritical Fluids, “a fluid is called “supercritical” when both its pressure and temperature are over its critical pressure and temperature. It is monophasic and exhibits specific properties, different from those of liquids and gases. Supercritical fluids have a high solvent power vis-à-vis many compounds, at the difference with compressed gases. This solvent power can be easily modified by changing the pressure, what permits to design very selective processes leading to high-quality products”.



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I Forum on Emerging Technologies organized by CIBER

On May 8th, will take place in Madrid, at the Assembly Hall Ernest Lluch of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, organized by CIBER Internationalization Platform (CIBER-BBN, CIBERER, CIBERES) the I Forum on Emerging Technologies.

The objective of this meeting is to promote the exchange of ideas and scientific knowledge among the CIBER research groups with the aim of generating new collaborations for participation in cross-cutting projects and the development of border technologies. The content of the forum, centered on the type of technology and possibilities it offers, is structured in a program of lectures and scientific debates whose final objective is the discussion and the joint generation of ideas. This first edition of the forum will be focused on Gene Therapy, Nanotechnologies and Omic Technologies-Big Data.

Some Units of NANBIOSIS will participate:

  • José Luis Pedraz, Scientific Director of  Unit 10 Drug Formulation, will speak of “Development of non-viral vectors for gene therapy
  • Laura Lechuga, Scientific Director of Unit 4  Biodepositon and Biodetection, will talk about “Nanodispositive biosensors for advanced clinical diagnosis
  • Rosa Villa, Scientific Director of Unit 8 Micro–Nano Technology, Ramón Martínez, Scientific Director of Unit 26 NMR Biomedical Applications II and Esther Pueyo, researcher of U27 High Performance Computer will moderate the sessions.


Programme and registration details


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