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Posts by Nanbiosis

Nosological images of response to therapy based on metabolomic information by magnetic resonance

Ana Paula Candiota, Scientific Coordinator of NANBIOSIS U25. NMR: Biomedical Applications I. is givin a talk about “Nosological images of response to therapy based on metabolomic information by magnetic resonance: a step beyond the standard image” next June 6, on Barcelona.

According to Dr. Candiota, “The reliable characterization of the treatment response in glioblastoma (GB) is a key factor in improving the survival and prognosis of patients. Image (MRI) and spectroscopic image (MRSI) by magnetic resonance respectively provide morphological and metabolotic profiles of GB, but in general they are not as robust to produce surrogate biomarkers in response to short-term therapy. One of our objectives is to try to provide clinicians with a reliable way to follow the response to therapy in a more adjusted temporal window for changes or adaptations of the therapy, and in a more early way than the one currently performed using MRI.  This part of the course will emphasize the potentiality of the systems of patterrn recognition / machine learning to produce ‘nosological images’ to recognize in a robust way the response to temozolamide (TMZ) therapy in preclinical GB (glioblastoma GL261 murine model in the immunocompetent strain C57 / BL / 6), based on the information of the magnetic resonance spectroscopic images. Despite being developed on a preclinical model of pathology, these techniques have a clear translational potential and could in the future improve the management of the different aspects of the treatment of patients”.

The talk will take place in the Conference: Nanotechnology applied to medicine as a learning resource for healthcare professionals, organized by Union Consorci Formació in Barcelona (Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili, Edifici Montseny planta -1).

The objective of the event is to summarize the most significant advances that have been made in this field, both at the level of development of nanomaterials, as well as in the most relevant applications of the different nano-pharmaceuticals that are on the market, to end up highlighting the future challenges to which faces nanomedicine to increase the efficiency and specificity of nanomedication.

Programa e inscripciones: Inscription is free  but the number of places is limited.

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Oocyte holding in the Iberian red deer: Effect of initial oocyte quality and epidermal growth factor addition on in vitro maturation

José Mijares Gordún, and  Francisco M. Sánchez Margallo, Scientific Director and Scientific Coordinator of NANBIOSIS U23. Asisted Reproduction, are co-authors of de article “Oocyte holding in the Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus): Effect of initial oocyte quality and epidermal growth factor addition on in vitro maturation“, published by Reproduction in Domestic Animals.

The scientists have demonstrated that oocyte holding can be used in Iberian red deer oocytes. Interestingly, EGF addition increases the oocytes’ meiotic competence in immediately matured oocytes but not after oocyte holding depending upon initial oocyte quality.

The investigation has been continued in the assisted reproduction laboratory of unit 23 of NANBIOSIS,  equipped with two intracitoplasmatic micromanipulation equipment of the latest generation with IMSI, Laser and Oosight system, embryo biopsy systems, vision systems of the mitotic spindle, with flow cabinets with stereo-microscopes and heated plates, incubators with different gasses systems, equipment and cryopreservation freeze gamete and embryo, among others.

For further information: DOI: 10.1111/rda.13099

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Carbon-gold bonds for robusts molecule-electrode junctions

Marta Mas-Torrent, Jaume Veciana, and Nuria Crivillers, scientists of the research group NANOMOL, coordinating NANBIOSIS U6. Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit, are co-authors of the article “Carbon-gold bonds for robusts molecule-electrode junctions” by  Journal of the American Chemical Society -JACS-.

The researchers have studied the behaviour of an organic radical as a molecular wire formed by a covalent carbon-gold bond between the molecule and two electrodes. The molecule-metal junction is more stable and gemotrically better defined than its predecessors, in which other functional groups were used. This improvement opens up new horizons in the fabrication of novel electronic devices with applications in the Molecular Electronics field.

Article of reference:

Francesc Bejarano, Ignacio Jose Olavarria-Contreras, Andrea Droghetti, Ivan Rungger∥, Alexander Rudnev⊥, Diego Gutiérrez, Marta Mas-Torrent, Jaume Veciana, Herre S. J. van der Zant, Concepció Rovira, Enrique Burzurı́, and Núria Crivillers. Robust Organic Radical Molecular Junctions Using Acetylene Terminated Groups for C–Au Bond Formation. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140 (5), pp 1691–1696

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b10019

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Mesenchymal stem cells or exosomes with fibrin glue mesh fixation modulates the inflammatory reaction in a murine model of incisional hernia

Javier García Casado, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U14, Cell Therapy Unit, and Francisco Miguel Sánchez Margallo, Scientific Director of  CCMIJU, are co-author of the publication “Fibrin glue mesh fixation combined with mesenchymal stem cells or exosomes modulates the inflammatory reaction in a murine model of incisional hernia” by Acta Biomaterialia.

In vitro experiments were performed by the ICTS Nanbiosis (Unit 14. Cell therapy at CCMIJU). Exosomes characterization was performed by the ICTS Nanbiosis (Unit 6: Biomaterial processing and Nanostructuring Unit). In vivo experiments were performed by the ICTS Nanbiosis (Unit 22. Animal housing at CCMIJU).

The study has demonstrated a significant increase of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages and TH2 cytokines when MSCs or exo-MSCs were used. Moreover, the analysis of MMPs, TIMPs and collagen exerted significant differences in the extracellular matrix and in the remodeling process. The in vivo study suggests that the fixation of surgical meshes with FG and MSCs or exo-MSCs will have a beneficial effect for the treatment of incisional hernia in terms of improved outcomes of damaged tissue, and especially, in the modulation of inflammatory responses towards a less aggressive and pro-regenerative profil,

The implantation of surgical meshes is the standard procedure to reinforce tissue defects such as hernias. However, an exacerbated and persistent inflammatory response secondary to this implantation is frequently observed, leading to a strong discomfort and chronic pain in the patients. In many cases, an additional surgical intervention is needed to remove the mesh.

This study shows that mesenchymal stem cells and their exosomes, combined with a fibrin sealant, can be used for the successful fixation of these meshes. This new therapeutic approach, assayed in a murine model of incisional hernia, favors the modulation of the inflammatory response towards a less aggressive and pro-regenerative profile

For further information: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2018.02.014.


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NANBIOSIS collaborates in the dissemination of science and triumphs in the Pint of Science Festival

On May 16, scientists from two units of NANBIOSIS filled the pubs, not to talk about football but about science.

According to Jorge Bueno, Coordinator of Pint of Science in Spain, at the VanguardScience is also culture, just as we go to the bar to talk about football or politics, we can also talk about science, we want people to conceive science as part of society

In the cafe of the civic center of the Casa Orlandai in Barcelona, ​​Eli Prats, a researcher of NANBIOSIS U8. Micro – Nano Technology Unit, explains her group has  developed graphene electrodes, a material with unique properties, that can monitor the activity of the brain in a less invasive than conventional ones. “We have tested it in rats and we have discovered that graphene can detect very poorly studied brain waves, which occur just before dying, just before an attack of epilepsy or before a migraine attack.” The researcher shows a sample of the tiny electrodes, which passes from hand to hand in the pub. “It’s still just an idea, but theoretically in the future these electrodes, placed on a person’s brain, could send a signal to a tablet and predict when they will suffer an attack of epilepsy,” adds Eli Prats.

Esther Pueyo, researcher of NANBIOSIS, U27. High Performance Computing, in the Drinks and Pool Aranda pub of Zaragoza explained that “Chronological age does not matter, but the biological one does,  not all hearts age equally”  and she tried to answer the questions why do I look older? What other people of my age? Will this have consequences? To show the tiny tissues Esther and researchers around her commonly work with, biopsies were collected from a cow heart and examples of the experimental and theoretical analyses they conduct were illustrated.

Throughout Spain, a total of 730 scientists have participated giving talks within the Pint of Science Festival, in 56 cities,  together with around 400 organizers, all of them volunteers.


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Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery Using Handheld Robotic Device

Francisco Miguel Sánchez Margallo, Scientific Director of  CCMIJU and NANBIOSIS U21. Experimental operating rooms, is co-author of the publication “Assessment of Postural Ergonomics and Surgical Performance in Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery Using a Handheld Robotic Device“, by Surgical Innovation (SAGE journal).

The study results show a positive learning curve in ergonomics and surgical performance using the robotic instrument during LESS surgery. This instrument improves the surgeon’s body posture and the needle positioning errors. The use of the robotic instrument is feasible and safe during LESS partial nephrectomy and sigmoidectomy procedures.

The study has been develloped with surgical facilities of high technology that allow in vivo efficacy assays of drugs, nanomedicines, biomaterials and others, performed at unit 21 of NANBIOSIS.

For further information: DOI: 10.1177/1553350618759768

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NANBIOSIS-ICTS: a tool in additive printing for biomedical applications.

On Friday, May 18, the Conference&Workshop “Opportunities in additive printing. Health Sector” will take place in the Assembly Hall of the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers and Telecommunications of the Public University of Navarra.

The event is been organized by the Cluster Functional Print and ANAIT (Association of Engineering Companies, Technical Studies and Technological Services), in collaboration with the Cátedra Industria 4.0 of CITI Navarra and UPNA with the aim of sensitizing the industry and its professionals of the open business opportunities with the development in additive printing, as well as the need for training in this field.

Jesús Izco, Executive Director of NANBIOSIS, will present the ICTS of production and characterization of biomaterials and nanomaterials as a tool in additive printing for biomedical applications.

Program and inscriptions


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Nanotechnology, gene therapy, omics therapies and ‘big data’

Nanotechnology, gene therapy, omics therapies and ‘big data’ were the topics discussed in the Forum on Emerging Technologies oganized on May 8 by nanotechnology, gene therapy, omics therapies and ‘big data’ were the topics discussed in the I Forum on Emerging Technologies held on May 8, organized by the CIBER Internationalization Platform, of which the CIBERER, the CIBER-BBN and the CIBERES.

The objective of this event, structured in sessions of presentations and scientific debates about the types of technologies addressed, was to promote the exchange of ideas and scientific knowledge with the aim of generating new collaborations among the CIBER research groups  such as participation in transversal projects or the development of cutting-edge technologies.

NANBIOSIS was represented by Pablo Laguna (Unit 27, High Performance Computing), Laura Lechuga (Unit 4, Biodeposition and Biodetection Unit), José Luis Pedraz (Unit 10, Drug Formulation) and Rosa Villa (Unit8, Micro – Nano Technology Unit)

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Formulated Products: Enabling innovation through value chain and cross-sector collaboration

NANBIOSIS Unit 12. “Nanostructured liquid characterization unit” is co-organizing, next 28th May 2018, in Barcelona, the Workshop “Enabling Innovation through Value Chain and Cross-sector Collaboration” corresponding to the 5th Event of the Regional workshop series of the AceForm4.0 consortium (a coordination and support action (CAS) funded by the European Commission).

This event targets industrial and academic players interested in bringing formulation technologies to the next level through collaboration. The main purpose of the day is to validate the recommendations that will be presented to the European Commission (EC) as to what are the areas of research that should be prioritized in the coming framework programs in the context of formulated products. These recommendations, which been put together within the context of AceForm4.0, will be validated by participants during short discussion sessions.

During the day inspiring speakers from industry will help illustrate some of the technical challenges within specific industrial sectors or segments of the value chain while experienced representatives from academia will showcase examples from collaborative research projects in the area.

The event will be an excellent opportunity for networking with local and European players in the formulation area and to learn more about how to stay in touch by joining the EU-FIG (formulation-network.eu/members/join-the-eu-formulation-interest-group), the emerging European Formulation Interest Group.

During the event, it will be possible to:

  • Listen to inspiring speakers from industry who will illustrate some of the challenges (technical and others) within specific industrial sectors or segments of the value chain
  • Listen to experienced representatives from academia who will showcase examples from collaborative research projects in the area
  • Help validate the recommendations that will be presented to the European Comission (EC) as to what are the areas of research that should be prioritized in the coming framework programs in the context of formulated products
  • Network with local and European players in the formulation area
  • Learn more about how to stay in touch by joining the EU-FIG, the emerging European Formulation Interest Group

Registration (free of charge): please find the registration form here (deadline 21 May)

Venue: Abba Sants Hotel, Carrer de Numància, 32, 08029 Barcelona, Spain

Contact for questions: Isabel Mira, RISE, E-mail: info@formulation-network.eu, Mobile phone: +46 (0)768 64 60 64



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Fabry disease awareness month, April

The Fabry International Network (FIN) association established the month of April as the “month of Fabry” to raise awareness and educate about this disease, a rare, progressive and with multi-organ involvement pathology.

Fabry Disease is one of several dozen Lysosomal Storage Disorders that interfere with the body’s ability to break down specific fatty substances. It is a rare disease and because the rate of occurrence is less than 1 in 200,000, it is considered as one of the many “Orphan” diseases. It is more common in women, but it occurs with greater severity in men.

Fabry disease is a metabolic disease that is produced by a deficiency of the ysosomal enzyme Alpha galactosidase. It is transmitted on the X chromosome. Fabry affected patients are missing alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-gal A) which results in sugars and fatty acids (Gb3) accumulating in the cells throughout the body and impairs the function of several major organs including the kidneys and heart. In 2001, enzyme replacement therapy appeared when the alpha-galactosidase protein (alpha- and beta-agalsidase) was synthesized in the laboratory using genetic engineering techniques. This treatment is injected into patients every 15 days to replenish the deficit levels of this enzyme and stop the progression of the disease.

CIBER-BBN, partner of NANBIOSIS, leads the European project Smart4fabry funded by the Horizon 2020 program, which will be developed through a consortium formed by 14 partners from 5 different countries. The CIBER-BBN coordinates the project through the participation of four of its groups that coordinate four units of NANBIOSIS (U1.Protein Production Platform (PPP), U3. Synthesis of Peptides Unit, U6. Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit and U20. In Vivo Experimental Platform.) In addition, the consortium is formed by the University of Aarhus (Denmark), Technion Israel Institute of Technology (Israel), Joanneum Research (Austria), Biopraxis Research AIE (Spain), the spin off Nanomol Technologies SL (Spain) ), BioNanoNet (Austria), Drug Development and Regulation SL (Spain), the Covance Laboratories LTD group (UK), and Leanbio SL (Spain) Smart-4-Fabry has been conceived and developed to obtain a new nanoformulation of GLA, that will improve the efficacy and toleration of the treatment with non-formulated GLA. The final benefit will be seen as a considerable reduction on the Fabry disease treatment cost and a substantial improvement in the life-quality of Fabry disease patients.

Fabry International Network, FIN was established in 2005, as a non-for-profit organization registered in The Netherlands. The primary aim of the project is to facilitate collaboration between patient organizations around the world to support those affected by Fabry disease

FIN is connected to over 45 countries around the world. Membership is free and open to any National Patient Organization in which Fabry patients are represented. The National Fabry Disease Foundation – USA, for April 2018 Fabry Disease Awareness Month, have been providing an educational or information post on their Facebook page, every day of the month in April. The NFDF also distributed their My Health Handbook kit  and, so far, distributed about 700 kits to individuals with Fabry disease. Fabry Australia have a new website and they are also running a new social media campaign. Fabry Support & Informatie Groep Nederland, FSIGN, since 2005  has organized every first Saturday of April (in the Fabry Awareness Month April) to be the Fabry women’s day. Japan Fabry Disease Patients and Family Association, in awareness month JFA held an open seminar at Fukuoka University Medical hall with lectures on three major topics: Newborn Mass Screening, Current Treatments and Employment and Clinical Genomics. In Spain the Fabry patient organization are the Spanish Fabry MPS Association


The Fabry International Network will cellebrate the 6th Fabry Expert Meeting on
8th – 10th June 2018 at the Vilnius Grand Resort, Ežeraičių g. 2, Ežeraičių km., Avižienių sen., Vilniaus raj., LT-14200, Lietuva.

DRAFT Full Program


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