Update and improvement of unit 4 of NANBIOSIS
NANBIOSIS U4-Biodeposition and biosensing, led by Prof Laura Lechuga, has been recently updated and improved as a result of its participation in the project FICTS-1420-27 , selected by the MINECO for co-financing by the FEDER Program in ICTS 2014-2020.
The Biodeposition has been updated with the ozone generation system with a new system (UV / Ozone Cleaner-Procleaner ™), with a lamp with improved power. In the case of the Biodetection unit, the current device has been to updated in order to make it more competitive. Optical components that improve the performance of the instrument in reference to sensitivity have been changed, the fluidic components has been updated (the flow cell that currently consists of 2 independent channels, peristaltic pumps and injection valves) to increase the automation of the current design and make it more competitive.