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Posts by Nanbiosis

Testing medical devices and drugs GLP Compliance

En este vídeo Jose Francisco Guillen Caro, Responsable de garantía de calidad del CCMIJU presents the Jesús Usón Minimum Invasion Surgery Center in Cáceres and, especially, the UMISC units that integrate NANBIOSIS, as well as the services and tests they perform, which are certified as GLP

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NANBIOSIS develops on demand projects and cutting edge biomedical solutions.

In this video, Jesús Izco Ex. Director of NANBIOSIS, presents NANBIOSIS as one of the 29 ICTS that currently make up the national ICTS map. It consist consists of 27 units grouped into five platforms  which ofer their services under a single contact point and develops on demand projects and cutting edge biomedical solutions in different biomedical applications such as biosensors, live image, contrast agents, therapeutic agents, regenerative medicine, drug delivery, among others.



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NANBIOSIS Youtube channel: new video-presentations and informative capsules about NANBIOSIS activity

NANBIOSIS makes available its youtube channel with informative videos about the ICTS-NANBIOSIS and the activity of some of its research units and platforms, as well as its Cutting-edge Biomedical Solutions and Nanomedicines Cascade Characterizations


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Manuel Souto received UAB PhD Extraordinary Award

Jaume Veciana and Imma Ratera (NANBIOSIS U6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unithave supervised Manuel Souto’s PhD thesis entitled “Multifunctional Materials based on TTF-PTM dyads: towards new Molecular Switches, Conductors and Rectifiers”.

The School for Doctoral Studies, together with UAB Alumni, organises an event every semester for the award of PhD degrees and PhD special prizes. With 66 PhD programmes, the UAB is one of the leading Catalan universities in the production of theses and generates approximately a third of the doctoral theses that are defended in the Catalan university system each year. The PhD special prizes confer value to theses which have received the qualification of excellence “Cum Laude” and which, having been proposed by the Admissions Committee of each academic programme, stand out for their contribution and advance in the different areas of our University.The prizes are awarded per academic year, in accordance with PhD regulations and with the criteria specified in each PhD programme.

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Involvement of Cellular Prion Protein in α-Synuclein Transport in Neurons

Researchers of NANBIOSIS U7 Nanotechnology Unit are coauthors of the article “Involvement of Cellular Prion Protein in α-Synuclein Transport in Neurons” by Molecular Neurobiology

The cellular prion protein, encoded by the gene Prnp, has been reported to be a receptor of β-amyloid. Their interaction is mandatory for neurotoxic effects of β-amyloid oligomers. In this study, we aimed to explore whether the cellular prion protein participates in the spreading of α-synuclein. Results demonstrate that Prnp expression is not mandatory for α-synuclein spreading. However, although the pathological spreading of α-synuclein can take place in the absence of Prnp, α-synuclein expanded faster in PrPC-overexpressing mice. In addition, α-synuclein binds strongly on PrPC-expressing cells, suggesting a role in modulating the effect of α-synuclein fibrils.

Article: doi: 10.1007/s12035-017-0451-4


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How to optimize strategies to produce recombinant proteins?

Researchers of NANBIOSIS  U1. Protein Production Platform (PPP)organize a course on production of recombinant proteins together with  Aula Científica whose objective is to analyze and design strategies for the improvement in the expression, production and purification of recombinant proteins in heterologous systems.
For  further information
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Nanopatterns of Surface-Bound EphrinB1 Produce Multivalent Ligand–Receptor Interactions That Tune EphB2 Receptor Clustering

Researchers  of NANBIOSIS U7. Nanotechnology Unit, are coauthors of the article “Nanopatterns of Surface-Bound EphrinB1 Produce Multivalent Ligand–Receptor Interactions That Tune EphB2 Receptor Clustering” published by NanoLetters, ACC Publications.

The authors present a nanostructured surface able to produce multivalent interactions between surface-bound ephrinB1 ligands and membrane EphB2 receptors. They have created ephrinB1 nanopatterns of regular size (<30 nm in diameter) by using self-assembled diblock copolymers. Next, they have used a statistically enhanced version of the Number and Brightness technique, which can discriminate—with molecular sensitivity—the oligomeric states of diffusive species to quantitatively track the EphB2 receptor oligomerization process in real time. The results indicate that a stimulation using randomly distributed surface-bound ligands was not sufficient to fully induce receptor aggregation. Conversely, when nanopatterned onto our substrates, the ligands effectively induced a strong receptor oligomerization. This presentation of ligands improved the clustering efficiency of conventional ligand delivery systems, as it required a 9-fold lower ligand surface coverage and included faster receptor clustering kinetics compared to traditional cross-linked ligands.

In conclusion, nanostructured diblock copolymers constitute a novel strategy to induce multivalent ligand–receptor interactions leading to a stronger, faster, and more efficient receptor activation, thus providing a useful strategy to precisely tune and potentiate receptor responses. The efficiency of these materials at inducing cell responses can benefit applications such as the design of new bioactive materials and drug-delivery systems


Nanopatterns of Surface-Bound EphrinB1 Produce Multivalent Ligand–Receptor Interactions That Tune EphB2 Receptor Clustering. Verónica Hortigüela, Enara Larrañaga, Francesco Cutrale, Anna Seriola, María García-Díaz, Anna Lagunas, Jordi Andilla, Pablo Loza-Alvarez, Josep Samitier, Samuel Ojosnegros, and Elena Martínez. Nano Letters 2018 18 (1), 629-637 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b04904


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Science and welfare of the Laboratory animal: New theorical and practical course by JUMISC

This course has the following characteristics:
• Total duration: 98.5 hours, from November 2 to November 30, 2018, with a semi-face-to-face format and mandatory face-to-face practices on November 26, 27 and 28, 2018.
• Cost: € 300
• 25 Places by strict order of registration.

The course is already authorized by the Rural Environment Training Service of the Junta de Extremadura. In addition, accreditation has been requested by the Commission for Continuing Education of the Health Professions of Extremadura.  This course, once passed and fulfilled all the requirements demanded by the Competent Authority (qualification required and period of work under supervision) by students, will provide accreditation for the performance of FUNCTIONS A (care of animals), B (euthanasia of the animals) and C (realization of the procedures), granted by the Ministry of Environment and Rural, Agrarian Policies and Territory. These functions correspond to those established in article 15, point 2 letters a), b) and c) of Royal Decree 53/2013, of February 1, which establishes the basic rules applicable for the protection of animals used in experimentation and other scientific purposes, including teaching.
For further information click here

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The PRO-NANBIOSIS II Network of Excellence begins its execution

The PRONANBIOSIS II Network of Excellence ICTS 2017 SAF2017-90810-REDI, granted by the Spanish Minitry of Science to NANBIOSIS, begins its activity planned for two years.

Networks of Excellence favor the development of networks of research groups aimed, in this case, to promote the general coordination of ICTS or Distributed ICTS, as is the case of NANBIOSIS.

This Network will give continuity to the previous PRONANBIOSIS Network, which ended on July 31st. The main purposes of the Network are:
– to consolidate its unified management model,
– to boost its internationalization and strategic positioning
– to promote a complete cascade service for nanomaterials characterization

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Advanced encapsulation technologies

Researchers of NANBIOSIS  U12. Nanostructured liquid characterization unitorganize a course on advanced encapsulation technologies together with the Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo Barcelona (CUIMPB) – Center Ernest Lluch whose objective is to provide attendees with the basic concepts about micro and nanoencapsulation techniques,including fundamentals and methods of preparation, as well as new applications in the chemical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical fields, among others.
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