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Posts by Nanbiosis

Nanbiosis Contribution to biofilm development

NANBIOSIS Unit 17 Confocal Microscopy Service, has participated in the research results published by Science of the Total Environment  in an article titled “Recycled desalination membranes as support material for biofilm development: A new approach for microcystin removal during water treatment”. The biofilm visualization has been performed by ICTS “NANBIOSIS” 

For further information: doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.435


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CIBER-BBN Annual Conference 2018

CIBER-BBN will celebrate its 12th Annual Conference on November 12 and 13 in Vlladolid. In these conference there will be a session dedicated to NANBIOSIS. Likewise, the annual meeting of the Scientific Technical Advisory Committee of NANBIOSIS will take place.

As in previous occasions, the meeting will serve to know the activity of NANBIOSIS, the Singular Technical Scientific Infrastructure (ICTS) of the CIBER-BBN and the Minimally Invasive Surgery Center Jesus Usón for the production and characterization of biomaterials, nanomaterials and devices up to its preclinical validation. The new Cutting-edge Biomedical Solutions of NANBIOSIS wiil be presented.

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Prof. Jaume Veciana, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS: Olivier Kahn Plenary Lecture speaker at the ICMM 2018

Prof. Jaume Veciana, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS has been honored with the Olivier Kahn Plenary Lecture given at the 16th International Conference on Molecule-Based Magnets (ICMM 2018), held on September 1-5, 2018, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

For further information: click here

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Label-free DNA-methylation detection by direct ds-DNA fragment screening using poly-purine hairpins

Prof Laura Lechuga, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 4 Biodeposition and Biodetection Unit, has led the research whose results have been published by Biosensors and Bioelectronics  with the title  “Label-free DNA-methylation detection by direct ds-DNA fragment screening using poly-purine hairpins

Cancer diagnosis continuously evolves due to the better understanding of tumorigenic processes. DNA-methylation is consolidated as an effective biomarker for cancer prognosis and diagnostic even in tumors of unknown origin. The reversibility of this epigenetic mechanism also places it as a high-profile tool for the development of more sophisticated and personalized therapies. Current methodologies, such as bisulfite conversion or PCR amplification, rely on complex procedures that make difficult the standardization of epigenetics analyses. Here we present an optical biosensor methodology based on Surface Plasmon Resonance that employs poly-purine reverse-Hoogsten hairpin probes capable of interacting directly with ds-DNA fragments by triple helix formation. The direct interaction with the material of interest can greatly enhance the reliability of the analysis providing a more accurate and precise diagnosis. We have demonstrated the capabilities of our methodology for the direct capture of ds-DNA fragments and specific methyl-cytosine quantification. Our poly-purine hairpin probe demonstrated the specific capture of ds-DNA fragments while the standard duplex-forming probes failed to do so. In addition, the biosensor methodology showed a strong correlation with the different DNA methylation status
between the sequences with a low signal variation (≤8%CV) along 35 hybridization/regeneration cycles. Through its straightforward procedure and versatility of detecting different DNA  modifications related to the DNA methylation process, we anticipate that our strategy will enable a greater level of accuracy and precision in cancer diagnostics making a strong impact on the development of personalized therapies

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Dr. Francisco Miguel Sánchez Margallo,  Assistant Director of NANBIOSIS and Scientific Director of JUMISC, has attended the multidisciplinary Congress organized by the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (SLS), held in New York from August 29 to September 1, where he has presented scientific communications with very innovative results in the specialty of urology.

At the annual meeting of this Scientific Society, international specialists related to minimally invasive surgery meet, with the aim of increasing knowledge of laparoscopic, endoscopic and minimally invasive surgical techniques, including robotic surgery.

The papers presented by Dr. Francisco M. Sánchez Margallo, have received the Harrith M. Hasson Award for the best oral communication, for promoting Teaching and Training in the specialty of urology. He has received this award from the wife of Dr. Hasson, one of the pioneers in laparoscopic surgery and inventor of the open laparoscopic technique and the trocar that bears his name.

The objectives of this work are focused on developing a platform for training and surgical assistance in urology, based on mixed reality technology. In addition, an application with this technology is incorporated for viewing, in real time, by surgeons of tomography, resonance and three-dimensional models of patients.

The results of this work have been tested by different experts of the Spanish Association of Urology (AEU) in the operating rooms of the Center, through an application that allows viewing, in real time, the preoperative studies of tomography, resonance and a human pelvic model. in 3D, through a recreation in the Hololens mixed reality glasses, marketed by the Microsoft company.

The second of the papers presented by Dr. Sánchez Margallo has received a mention of scientific honor, showing the results of the analysis of surgical skills and ergonomic studies of surgeons during the use of a novel robotic device in laparoscopic urological surgery.

These studies have involved different professionals from the clinical and technological areas of the Center and collaborators of the Biomechanics group of the University of Extremadura (UEX) and the CIBEX technology company, in addition to the advice of various Spanish urologists.

The Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center Foundation is a unique infrastructure that works in research, training and innovation in the health field.

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A new pathway for the prevention of metastasis in colorectal cancer in humans is open: a nanomedicine that selectively eliminates metastatic stem cells

Researchers of NANBIOSIS U18  Nanotoxicology Unit and U1. Protein Production Platform (PPP) at the Biomedical Research Institute of Sant Pau (IIB Sant Pau), of the Hospital of Santa Creu i Sant Pau, of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER) have published an article in one of the most prestigious international scientific journals in the field of Molecular Medicine, EMBO Molecular Medicine. This article demonstrates the efficacy of the  nanopharmaceutical  that selectively removes metastatic stem cells in animal models of colon cancer. The new drug works like a drone that has a ligand that identifies a receptor (CXCR4) in the metastatic stem cells, administers the drug and destroys these cells by blocking the metastasis.  The drug acts only on metastatic tumor cells and not on healthy cells, so it avoids the general toxicity associated with the usual treatments

This nanopharmaceutical has been successfully tested in animal models of colorectal cancer, but could be used in 20 additional tumor types that express CXCR4,
as in those of prostate, breast, ovary and others

This is the first drug in the world selectively antimetastatic that addresses the medical need to block metastatic spread, the main cause of death in cancer patients, while eliminating the toxicity and adverse effects of conventional treatments

The Hospital de Sant Pau could be the first center in the world to carry out clinical trials that evaluate this new drug in patients, prior to its possible introduction in clinical therapeutics

It has been observed that this receptor is overexpressed in at least 20 different types of cancer, including those of the prostate, breast, ovary and others not as common as the pancreas. This means that this nanoparticle can be targeted to treat different types of neoplasms, making it a very versatile vehicle that can transport different therapeutic molecules of high potency.


Article of reference:

María Virtudes CéspedesUgutz UnzuetaAnna AviñóAlberto GallardoPatricia ÁlamoRita SalaAlejandro Sánchez‐ChardiIsolda CasanovaMaría Antònia ManguesAntonio Lopez‐Pousa,Ramón EritjaAntonio VillaverdeEsther VázquezRamón Mangues.  Selective depletion of metastatic stem cells as therapy for human colorectal cancer. EMBO Molecular Medicine DOI 10.15252/emmm.201708772

The team of researchers, led by Dr. Ramón Magues de l’IIB Sant Pau, Prof. Antonio Villaverde of the UAB and Dr. Esther Vázquez of the UAB, have shown that the drug acts only on metastasis-initiating cells through its specific interaction between a peptide present in the protein nanoparticle that transports it and the cellular receptor CXCR4 that is overexpressed in tumor cells. This allows attacking only the tumor cells, blocking their dissemination in early stages, in a way that prevents the appearance of metastasis while avoiding the adverse effects derived from the usual treatments.


Nanoligent, a new spin-off to finance the nanoparticle

In June 2017, researchers from the IIB Sant Pau, from the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine of the UAB and the CIBER from Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) who signed the article published now in EMBO Molecular Medicine created a spin-off, Nanoligent , with the aspiration to develop the first drug designed to eliminate metastatic cells.

This company, which has more than 10 years of studies behind it, is directed by Dr. Manuel Rodríguez Mariscal, a professional with a long experience in the field of investment and the creation of biotechnology companies and aims to obtain financing for the realization of the project.

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The VPH Conference 2018 is taking place in Zaragoza 5-7 September offering an exciting program of state-of-the art science & engineering in computational (bio)medicine, ranging from foundational research on multiscale modelling of human (patho) physiology, via underpinning research on data science and infrastructures for the virtual physiological human, to clinical applications with participation of NANBIOSIS U27. High Performance Computing

Esther Pueyo  is charing the Session 3A: Cardiovascular modeling: from simulation to clinical outcome,

Some of the outcomes are presented by Jesús Fernández-Bes:

A Bayesian Filtering methodology to identify key drivers of ventricular repolarization variability (Jesus Fernandez-BesDavid Adolfo Sampedro-Puente and Esther Pueyo) 

Virtual Physiological Human (VPH), refers to the field of integrative mathematical modelling and simulations in the study of human biology and physiology. VPH is a methodological and technological framework to share observations, to derive predictive hypotheses from possible aspects of human physiology or pathology, and to integrate them into a constantly improving understanding of human physiology and pathology, by regarding it as a single system. Currently, the VPH is a worldwide effort to develop next-generation computer technologies to integrate all information available, from genetics to medical images to clinical data for each patient, and generate computer models capable of predicting how the health of that patient will evolve under certain conditions. The VPH is now a well-established worldwide community, with the VPH institute representing it.

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Nanoplasmonic biosensor device for the monitoring of acenocoumarol therapeutic drug in plasma

As a result of the collaboration carried aout by two units of NANBIOSIS, U4. Biodeposition and Biodetection Unit and U2. Custom Antibody Service (CAbS), it has been developed a compact and simple nanoplasmonic sensing device based on gold nanodisks for the rapid monitoring of acenocoumarol, using highly specific polyclonal antibodies produced against the drug Acenocoumarol (Sintrom®) which implies:

  • A label-free nanoplasmonic device for the rapid monitoring of acenocoumarol in plasmaD.
  • Direct quantification in real time requiring low sample volume is achieved.
  • Non-specific interferences from plasma are minimized using the developed methodology.
  • Excellent accuracy has been observed measuring blind plasma samples.
  • Potential to be implemented as a POC device in decentralized settings.


The research details have been published in the article authored by E. CristinaPeláezM.-CarmenEstevezAlejandroPortelaJ.-PabloSalvadorM.-PilarMarco and Laura M.Lechuga, “Nanoplasmonic biosensor device for the monitoring of acenocoumarol therapeutic drug in plasma, Biosensors and Bioelectronic, 119, 2018, 149-155 – DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2018.08.011


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On November 2th-30th, Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón, partner of NANBIOSIS, organizes a theorical and practical course:  “Course for the performance of functions a, b and c in rodents, lagomorfos, carnivores, pigs and small ruminants”. Some researchers of NANBIOSIS Units at JUMISC, will transmit their knowhow and experience to the attendees.

The course objetives are to provide adequate training to researchers in the science and welfare of the laboratory animal, as well as the use of bloodless methods of euthanasia that will be carried out with experimental animals in accordance with current legislation and existing recommendations.

This course, once met all the requirements demanded by the Competent Authority (supervised work period) by the students, will provide accreditation for the performance of FUNCTIONS A (care of animals), B (euthanasia of animals) and C (realization of procedures), granted by the Ministry of Environment and Rural, Agrarian Policies and Territory. These functions correspond to those established in article 15, point 2 letters a), b) and c) of Royal Decree 53/2013, of February 1, which establishes the basic rules applicable for the protection of animals used in experimentation and other scientific purposes, including teaching




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Recombinant proteins production: optimization strategies.

On October 24th-26th, Aula Científica, in collaboration with IBB, organizes a theorical and practical course on “Recombinant proteins production: optimization strategies“. Some researchers of NANBIOSIS Unit1 Protein Production Platform (PPP), will transmit their knowhow and experience to the attendees, as José Luis Corchero, Rosa Mendoza Moreno and Neus Ferrer Miralles, Scientific Director of the Protein production planform of ICTS NANBIOSIS.

The course is aimed at researchers and laboratory technicians from universities, hospitals, companies and research centers who are interested in the expression, production and purification of recombinant proteins with de objectives of analyze and design strategies for the improvement in the expression, production and purification of recombinant proteins in heterologous systems.

Information and registration:

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