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Posts by Nanbiosis

NANBIOSIS resarchers in CCMIJU identify biomarkers for bridging the gap between preclinical studies in large animal models and clinical trials

Researchers of NANBIOSIS Units at CCMIJU have publish a very relevant article about the studies on  hematological, biochemical and immunological parameters, as well as magnetic resonance derived cardiac function measurements obtained from a swine myocardial infarction model that allows to predict the severity of myocardial infarction in a clinically relevant animal model providing a  simple, affordable and reliable way that could prove useful in the follow up of myocardial infarction and in the evaluation of new therapeutic strategies in this animal model.

Biochemical and hematological determinations were performed by the ICTS Nanbiosis (Unit 19. Clinical test lab at CCMIJU). Flow cytometry analyses were performed by the ICTS Nanbiosis (Unit 14. Cell therapy at CCMIJU). Blood sampling and maintenance of animals were performed by the ICTS Nanbiosis (Unit 22. Animal housing at CCMIJU). Myocardial infarction induction and Magnetic Resonance studies waere performed by the ICTS Nanbiosis (Unit 21. Experimental operating rooms and Unit 24. Medical imaging at CCMIJU).

Article of reference: “Altered hematological, biochemical and immunological parameters as predictive biomarkers of severity in experimental myocardial infarction” DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetimm.2018.10.007


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The revolution of nanomedicine by Ramón Martínez Mañez

Ramón Martínez Mañez, Scientific Director of Unit 26 of NANBIOSIS NMR: Biomedical Applications II, will be next Monday, November 5 at 7 pm at the Headquarters of Alicante City (San Fernando, 40), where he will impart the conference “The scientific revolution of Nanomedicine,”

The professor of Inorganic Chemistry of the UA and director of the Nanotechnology laboratory, Javier García Martínez, will present the meeting, organized by the Fundación Premios Rey Jaume I and the UA, with the collaboration of the Valencian Agency and Innovation and the Classroom of Science and the Technology of the University of Alicante.

Ramón Martínez-Máñez, director of the Institute for Research in Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM) and scientific director of the Center for Biomedical Research in Networks in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) has been recently awarded King Jaume I of New Technology 2018. The jury of the King Jaume I awarded for New Technologies valued the “exceptional contributions” by Ramón Martínez-Máñez in the development of nanosensors with application in food technology and medicine, as well as “the high scientific quality and social impact of his work “and, for these reasons, he was awarded this award in June 2018. He is also a scholar of the American Chemical Society and the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry. He was awarded in 2016 by the latter with the prize for Excellence Research

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FUNCATH: Prevention of infectious diseases with functionalized catheters awarded by La Marató de TV3

FUNCATH project,  coordinated by scientists of NANOMOL  group, led by Dr. Imma Ratera, has been awarded by Fundació La Marató de TV3 .

NANOMOL is the research group that coordinates NANBIOSIS U6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit, from ICMAB-CSIC and CIBER-BBN.

Fundació La Marató de TV3 2017 call was dedicated to infectious diseases and awarded 36 projects among the 186 evaluated according to their excellence, methodology and relevance.

FUNCATH is the project for Prevention of infections related to vascular catheters by functionalizing catheters impregnated with thermically activatable hydrogels with broad spectrum antimicrobial agents, whose ultimate goal is the development of vascular catheters coated with multibiofunctional hydrogels with broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. The hydrogels will have two functions: first act as a 3D matrix that will support the active biomolecules, specifically cationic peptides (PC), with bactericidal activity against most of the bacteria involved in nosocomial infections and second will act as a protection against the degradation of the PCs until the medical device is used. The latter will be possible thanks to the thermosensitive nature of the hydrogel that will only expose the PCs after their contact with body temperature; which will activate the degradation of the hydrogel and allow the release of active biomolecules. Besides Nanomol group the project involves researchers from the Parc Taulí Hospital, the Hospital Clínic, and the IRTA. The project financing: € 375,078.75 for three years.


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NANBIOSIS at the Assembly of Materplat

Next November 14 the General Assembly of Materplat 2018 will take place  in the facilities of the Institute of Ceramics and Glass of the CSIC (ICV-CSIC), on the campus of the Autonomous University of Madrid (Cantoblanco, Madrid).

This year, the theme of the Assembly will be focused on how innovation in materials that can be useful in different fields related to smart cities. In this sense, different speakers will show developments in materials very important for sectors such as health, among others. NANBIOSIS will be present through José Becerra, Professor of Cell Biology at the University of Málaga, Scientific Director of the U28 of NANBIOSIS who will talk about the Customization of Implants and their biological function.

The main novelty of  this year is that the Assembly of MATERPLAT will be a joint day with SAMPE Iberica, the Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering. This section of the Assembly will feature already confirmed presentations by Fokker / GKN and ARIANE Group.

MATERPLAT is the ADVANCED MATERIALS AND NANOMATERIALS SPANISH TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORM, whose main goal  is to foster and promote Innovation within the R&D&I National System, as a tool and a key instrument to improve and increase the competitivity of the Spanish companies, for which materials and nanomaterials, along with their  transformation processes, are fundamental elements in the development and commercialization of their products and services. NANBIOSIS participates in Materplat through his Coordinator, Jesus Izco, who leads the Materplat Health Innovation Group

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NANBIOSIS participation in CPhI Worldwide

NANBIOSIS has participated in the most important event of the pharmaceutical industry, CPhI Worldwide, the largest fair held in Spain. More than 45,000 professionals from more than 150 countries of the main companies in the sector and more than 2,500 companies meet at IFEMA (Madrid) from 9 to 11 October.

One of the novelties to be taken into account in this edition of the CPhI Worldwide will be the presentation of biological products by the bioLIVE platform, highlighting the recent growth of biological medicines.

BioLIVE, adjacent to CPhI Worldwide in 2018, is the exhibition and conference for large molecule biopharma needs. The event focuses specifically on manufacturing and processing and provides a unique platform connecting biotechs, big pharma and service providers across the value chain. The collaboration with CPhI Worldwide, brings together the small and large molecule worlds, creating a unique platform for both industries to learn from each other.

The arrival of this great event in Madrid comes at a particularly good time for the pharmaceutical industry in Spain, classified by global companies as one of the most internationally recognized, according to the Annual Report of CPhI, Global Pharma Index. This places Spain in the fourth place on the world scale (behind the United States, Germany and Japan and at the level of France and Italy) for the quality of its pharmaceutical production and the knowledge of its professionals. This study also points to Spain as the fastest-growing country worldwide in terms of innovation, for its ability to develop innovative manufacturing methods and new medicines.

NANBIOSIS has taken advantage of this incomparable framework to publicize its Cutting-Edge Biomedical Solutions and hold bilateral meetings with companies, including present collaborators such as Qualicaps  (in the picture, Jesús Izco Executive Director of NANBIOSIS and Laura Canalejas together with Susana Ecenarro, Scientific Business Development Manager and Scientific Business Development Director of Qualicaps respectively)

Qualicaps supplies pharmaceutical-grade capsules together with a comprehensive service along the drug product life cycle through Qualicaps global team of commercial, scientific and technical experts. Originated in 1897 within Eli Lilly & Co. as a capsule manufacturing plant in the company’s headquarters in Indianapolis, USA. It is currently integrated into the Japanese group Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation. 


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Nanoparticles characterization techniques of NANBIOSIS unit 6

The Unit 6 of NANBIOSIS, Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit, has organized during the days 8 to 11 of October in the ICMAB-CSIC a course of characterization of Nanoparticles showing some of their techniques to the CSIC researchers.

Amable Bernabé, the technician of unit 6 of NANBIOSIS has shown the theory and practice of some methods to characterize nanoparticles and how to handle the necessary equipment.

Specifically, these techniques were:

  • Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) with Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern Instruments)
    • Size distribution
    • Z Potential
  • Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) with Nanosight NS300 (Malvern Instruments)
    • Size distribution
    • Particle concentration
    • Fluorescence
  • Light Scattering (LS) with Mastersizer 2000 (Malvern Instruments)
    • Size distribution

being these techniques developed through the equipment of unit 6 of NANBIOSIS among which are:

These techniques are part of the physical-chemical characterization of the cascade characterization service offered by NANBIOSIS and its diffusion will facilitate the access to the NANBIOIS ISCT increasing demand of NANBIOSIS unit 6.

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Researchers of NANBIOSIS U9 awarded for a work on scaffolds for dental regeneration

Researchers Manuel Arruebo and Víctor Sebastián, from the CIBER-BBN group led by Jesús Santamaría (NFP) at the University of Zaragoza, that coordinates NANBIOSIS Unit 9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles, have received the second prize of the Resomer Awards granted by the company Evonik, a international recognition to competitiviness.

Their work “Promoting bioengineered tooth innervation using nanostructured and hybrid scaffolds”, has been published in the journal Acta Biomaterialia 50 (2017) 493-501. In this work, the researchers of the CIBER-BBN manufactured biodegradable materials such as scaffolds to promote dental regeneration. These scaffolds contained an immunosuppressive drug that, in addition to avoiding rejection after implantation, favored innervation. These implants were evaluated in vitro and in vivo at the French National Institute for Medical Research in Strasbourg, in the group of Nadia Jessel, demonstrating in animal models that these implants favored tooth regeneration and that the regenerated teeth were vascularized and innervated, both necessary characteristics to obtain a good regeneration.

The company Evonik AG is one of the largest chemical companies in the world with more than 36,000 workers and chemical plants in more than 30 countries. Its specialty is fine chemistry and one of its flagship products are biodegradable polymers.

Article of reference

Promoting bioengineered tooth innervation using nanostructured and hybrid scaffolds. Kuchler-Bopp S, Larrea A, Petry L, Idoux-Gillet Y, Sebastian V, Ferrandon A, Schwinté P, Arruebo M, Benkirane-Jessel N. Acta Biomater. 2017 Mar 1;50:493-501. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2017.01.001  Epub 2017 Jan 3.

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Ramón Martínez Máñez Master class on Nanomedicine at the Act of the Academic Opening year 2018-2019  of Spanish university

On September 25, the Polytechnic University of Valencia hosted the Solemn Act of the new Academic Opening year 2018-2019  of Spanish universities, coinciding with the commemoration of its 50th anniversary. This institutional act was chaired by S.M. King Felipe VI, the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Pedro Duque, and the President of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig, among many other authorities.

Ramón Martínez Máñez, has been in charge of teaching the master class of the new academic year. Ramón Martínez is professor of the Department of Chemistry of the UPV and director of the Interuniversity Research Institute of Molecular Recognition and Technological Development, besides Scientific Director of CIBER-BBN and Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U26 NMR: Biomedical Applications II

In the master class, Martínez Máñez explained that nanomedicine aims to “identify diseases in their early stages at the cellular and molecular level through the use of nanodevices and contrast systems” in order to “provide an early diagnosis and, therefore, improve the prognosis of the disease“. Ramón Martínez Mañez, Rei Jaume I Award for New Technologies 2018 has underlined that, nanomedicine “is already a well-established area of ​​knowledge that seeks to apply the continuous advances of nanotechnology to medicine” and that “there are numerous studies that demonstrate its great capacity for the development of new diagnostic devices, new systems for the controlled release of drugs and materials suitable for the development of tissues.  In fact, as indicated “there are already in the market biomedical solutions based on nanotechnology such as nanoformulated drugs.” For the professor of the UPV, “we do not know what is the future of medicine, but without a doubt nanotechnology will play an important role in its development and, although we do not know who will carry out these advances, undoubtedly, the research developed in the university it will play a fundamental role “.

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NANBIOSIS participation in BioSpain 2018

NANBIOSIS participates in BioSpain 2018, which is taking place in this ninth edition, in Seville, on September 25-27. BioSpain is one of the main fairs of the European biotechnology sector. It is an event, organized by the Spanish Association of Biocompanies (ASEBIO) in collaboration with  Andalusian government which aims to exchange knowledge, ideas and experiences among all actors in the biotechnology sector. In this edition BioSpain has gathered more than 1,500 attendees, 600 companies and 200 stands.
BioSpain is structured in a trade fair, a partnering system that facilitates these meetings, a conference program and an investor’s forum that brings together the most important investors in the world of life sciences (this year there are 25 attendees from seven countries such as Ysios Capital Partners, Andera Partner – former Edmond de Rothschild-, Biogeneration Ventures and Johnson & Johnson Innovation. In BioSpain counts with the presence 0f research centers and academics, pharmaceutical companies, investors, professional services and medical technology companies and supplies, apart from media.
The Executive Director of NANBIOSIS, Jesus Izco, has seized the opportunity offered by an event such as BioSpain, to hold various bilateral meetings with representatives of the industry and disseminate the new NANBIOSIS Cutting-Edge Biomedical Soluctions

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Nanoparticles in 3D printed bone prostheses that favor regeneration

The research group of Biomaterials for regenerative therapies of CIBER-BBN and IBEC, coordinator of Unit 5 of NANBIOSIS, Rapid Prototyping Unit, led by Elisabeth Engel, expert on nanoparticles and biomaterials, together with the company Avinent, expert in 3D printing, will develop new personalized solutions to improve treatments for bone diseases or injury.
So far, they have tested some bioactive nanoparticles based on calcium on the membrane of a chicken embryo and found that blood vessels formed in it and that the cartilage ossified forming a mature bone. The tests were carried out in mice and the result was also positive. The creators of this innovative product point out that, after three years, the prosthesis would have become a bone of its own. Although it could be applied in any part of the body, it seems that the first objective would be to test it in the maxillo-facial area. Experts estimate that more than a year may pass before human trials are conducted.

Source: Pronto Magazine, September 8, 2018

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