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Posts by Nanbiosis

BIONAND incorporated to the Spanish ICTS Map as a new node of NANBIOSIS

The Scientific, Technological and Innovation Policy Council (CPCTI) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has recently approved the updating of the National ICTS Map (Unique Scientific Technological Infrastructures). ICTS are large installations, resources, facilities and services, unique in its kind, that are dedicated to cutting edge and high-quality research and technological development, as well as to promote exchange, transmission and preservation of knowledge, technology transfer and innovation.

After the evaluation by the CPCTI of the ICTS activity during the last four years, NANBIOSIS maintains its presence in the new National ICTS Map, but it introduces a novelty compared to the prior one. NANBIOSIS, initially formed by CIBER-BBN and CCMIJU, incorporates BIONAND as new node, which has been included in the Strategic Master Plan for the next four years.

NANBIOSIS is the ICTS that provide a complete integrated cutting-edge biomedical advance solutions for companies and research institutions under a single contact point through the design and production of biomaterials, nanomaterials and their nanoconjugates, its characterization from a physic-chemical, functional, toxicological and biological (preclinical validation) point of view, focused on biomedical applications such as: IVDs, medical devices, biosensors, regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, therapeutic agents or MRI contrast agents.

The incorporation of BIONAND to NANBIOIS supposes for the ICTS the possibility of amplifying its capacities and in particular to complete and expand its offer of cutting-edge biomedical solutions.

BIONAND, located in the Technological Park of Andalusia and directed by Professor José Becerra Ratia of the University of Málaga (UMA), is a mixed character center participated by the University of Malaga and by the Andalusian Government, conceived as a space for excellence research in nanomedicine that has scientific infrastructures with unique avant-garde equipment, among which, the Nano-Imaging Unit, incorporated to NANBIOSIS, stands out.

BIONAND’s Nanoimaging Unit brings together a wide range of cutting-edge technologies, including high-field magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, micro-CT, PET, SPECT, intra-vital optical imaging, electron microscopy, advanced optical microscopy, cell sorting and high content screening. The unit has been conceived and optimized to provide very diverse and integrated technological support for nanotechnology-based biomedical research, offering advance services to internal and external users.

The Nano-Imaging unit, headed by Dr. María Luisa García Martín, is a powerful last-generation of preclinical imaging facility that offers the possibility of acquiring micro and nano-scale images through a wide variety of techniques.

Dr. María Luisa García presented BIONAND as the new node of NANBIOSIS on November 12 in the session dedicated to NANBIOSIS that took place at the annual Scientific Conferences of CIBER-BBN.

In addition, last November 14, Dr José Becerra, represented NANBIOSIS in the General Assembly of Materplat, giving a talk about the “Customization of Implants and their biological function”. Further information

NANBIOSIS is working in the integration of the new node of BIONAND on the website and offer of NANBIOSIS

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NANBIOSIS with the research appointment “Towards a New Horizon”

NANBIOSIS has attended today the  10th  Research and Innovation Framework under the slogan “Towards a New Horizon“, organized by the CDTI and the European Commission, in collaboration with the Board of Castilla La Mancha has been held on November 20 in the downtown Congress Center of Toledo “El Greco“.

The objective of the Conference has been to review the new developments and analyze the participation of Spain in Horizon 2020 in order to draw conclusions that allow Spanish entities to better face the next calls for proposals. The new proposal of the European Commission (EC) for Horizon Europe has also been presented.

The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Pedro Duque has opened  and chaired the institutional inauguration in which he has highlighted the importance of participation in H2020, not only for financing reasons but also for the impact generated by projects. Not in vain has it been revealed in the day that the Spanish returns in H200 so far exceeded 10% of the total granted, placing Spain as the 4th country of the EU in return and the first as project coordinator.

The Deputy General Director of DG EC Research and Innovation, Signe Ratso, has given a few strokes of the new Horizon Europe program for 2021-2027 in which figures between 1 and 1.2 billion € are being considered, to give continuity to the current Program with some evolution and innovations, but without supposing a revolution with respect to the previous one.

NANBIOSIS has participated in the preparation, coordination and execution of R+D+i European projects during the last years and will continue to do it. An event like the 10th  Research and Innovation Framework  “Towards a New Horizon“is a forum of great value not only for the information given, but also to exchange experiences and impressions and to do valuable networking for the next calls.


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Members of the NANBIOSIS Coordination Committee have visited the ALBA Synchrotron and its representatives to exchange common research lines, points of view on their complementarity and discuss the collaboration possibilities of the facilities,  both recognized as Unique Scientific Technical Infrastructure  (ICTS) by the Spanish Government.

The ALBA Synchrotron consists of a complex of electron accelerators in which the electrons are forced to rotate at a speed of 1 million turns per second. When they are bent, synchrotron light is emitted, allowing to visualize the atomic structure and molecular analysis of materials and study their properties obtaining information that cannot be achieved in any other way.

ALBA offers synchrotron light to external users, both from the academia and from the industry, to perform outstanding studies of a very wide range of research sectors. It provides services to 1800 researchers per year performing more than 500 experiments.

Currently, ALBA has eight operational state-of-the art beamlines, four are under construction  and it has capacity for more than twenty beamlines, in total. Five of these beam lines are focused on biomedical applications. It is in these beamlines where the services of ALBA Synchrotron are complementary to those of NANBIOSIS, especially in the field of Structural / biochemical Characterization.

NANBIOSIS is a distributed infrastructure for biomedical research with outsourcing equipment and expertise of excellence to design and produce biomaterials, nanomaterials and their nanoconjugates as well as their characterization from a physic-chemical, functional, toxicological and biological (preclinical validation) point of view, focused on biomedical applications such as: IVDs, medical devices, biosensors, regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, therapeutic agents or MRI contrast agents. NANBIOSIS provides more than 700 accesses per year and services to 100 companies.

Due to this complementarity, both ICTS facilities have explored collaborations possibilities and a list of initiatives were discussed. The starting point will be to put in common all the different services that both institutions provide in order to meet the most complex needs of its users and increase the scope of the biomedical solutions given to the health sector.

This new collaboration started with a presentation of ALBA and its complementarity with NANBIOSIS in the annual Conference of CIBER-BBN that took place in November 11-13 in Valladolid.

More information:


ALBA Synchrotron



Contact Nanbiosis:  info@nanbiosis.com

Contact ALBA Synchrotron: industrialoffice@cells.es


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NANBIOSIS renews its accreditation as Unique Scientific Technological Infrastructure (ICTS)

NANBIOSIS is one of the 29 ICTS (Unique Scientific Technological Infrastructures) recognized by the Scientific, Technological and Innovation Policy Council (CPCTI) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. On November 6, the Council approved the updating of the ICTS Map in which the accreditation of Nanbiosis is renewed as one of them.

The new Map is integrated by 29 ICTS, which bring together a total of 62 infrastructures, all of them operative. In the new update the number of ICTS is maintained, but the number of infrastructures is increased by the incorporation of new nodes to existing distributed ICTS.

NANBIOSIS offers complete services for the production and characterization of nanomaterials, biomaterials and systems in biomedicine. This ICTS is integrated by the CIBER-BBN and the Minimally Invasive Surgery Center Jesús Usón (CCMIJU) and the recent incorporation of Bionand in Málaga. It consists of 28 units distributed throughout the Spanish geography and coordinated under a single contact point. These units offer a complementary service tailored and turnkey projects that includes the design and production of biomaterials and nanomaterials and the characterization of these bio and nanomaterials, tissues, devices and medical systems from a point of view, physical-chemical, functional , toxicological and biological (including preclinical validation), focused on biomedical applications.

All this potential allows from developing a therapeutic agent until it reaches its preclinical validation and wrapped by the best Spanish research groups in bioengineering, biomaterials and nanomedicine.

ICTS map

The map of Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures is a planning and development tool for these infrastructures in coordination with the Autonomous Communities. The new ICTS Map approved by the Council is the result of a rigorous independent evaluation process and consolidates the single location and distributed infrastructures.

The ICTS are available to the scientific, technological and industrial, national and international community. These avant-garde scientific-technical infrastructures, indispensable for the development of competitive and quality scientific and technological research, are unique in their kind, with a very high investment and / or maintenance cost and operation and whose strategic nature justifies their competitive access for the entire R & D & I system.

In addition to NANBIOSIS, Integrated Infrastructure of Production and Characterization of Nanomaterials, Biomaterials and Systems in Biomedicine, the ICTS in Health Sciences and Biotechnology are:

  • Integrated Infrastructure of Omic Technologies,
  • Network of Laboratories of High Biological Safety,
  • Distributed Network of Biomedical Image and
  • Network of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratories of Biomolecules.


The map is completed by another 24 ICTS in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Sciences of the Sea, Life and Earth; Information and Communications Technologies; Energy; Engineering; Materials; Socioeconomic Sciences and Humanities

Further information

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NANBIOSIS in the Posters presentation in CIBER-BBN ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018

Last 12 and 13 of November, CIBER-BBN  has celebrated its 12th Annual Conference in Hotel Felipe IV in Valladolid. In poster session participated  NANBIOSIS  itself and some of its units.

  • NANBIOSIS, Infrastructure for the Production & Characterization of Biomaterials, Nanomaterials and medical devices up to preclinical validation. Nanbiosis management team.
  • Divalent cation effects on assembly of histidine-rich protein nanoparticles. López-Laguna, U. Unzueta, O. Conchillo-Solé, A. Sánchez-Chardi, M. Pesarrodona, O. Cano-Garrido, E. Voltà, L. Sánchez-García, N. Serna, P. Saccardo, R. Mangues, A. Villaverde, E. Vázquez (NBT-UAB) (U1 -U18)
  • Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) anchored on the surface of contact lenses to prevent corneal infections. Emiliano Salvagni, Clara García, Àngels Manresa, Carlos Rodríguez, María José García-Celma, Claudia Müller-Sánchez, Manuel Reina, Jordi Esquena (QCI-CSIC) (U12)
  • Preliminary studies on ultrasound characterization of perfluorocarbon-loaded polymeric nanocapsules. Gabriela Calderó, Marie Pierre Krafft, Da Shi, María José García-Celma, Conxita Solans, Carlos Rodríguez-Abreu (QCI-CSIC) (U12)
  • Multiplexed analytical platforms based on the use of antibodies for monitoring pollutants in marine environment samples. -Pablo Salvador, Ana Sanchís, Klaudia Kooper, Andrea Miti, M.-Pilar Marco (Nb4D-IQAC-CSIC) (U2)
  • In vitrodiagnostics of neurological disorders through the immunochemical detection of kynurenine. Montserrat Rodríguez Núñez, Ana Sanchís, Lluïsa Vilaplana, Roger Galve, M.-Pilar Marco (Nb4D-IQAC-CSIC) (U2)
  • Custom Antibody Service: From the molecule to the bioassay. Núria Pascual, Ana González-Gomzález, M.-Pilar Marco (Nb4D-IQAC-CSIC) (U2)
  • Hyaluronic acid enhances insulin release of microencapsulated pancreatic progenitors differentiated from mesenchymal stem cells. Alberto Cañibano-Hernández, Laura Sáenz del Burgo, Albert Espona-Noguera, Gorka Orive, Rosa María Hernández, Jesús Ciriza, Jose Luis Pedraz (NANOBIOCEL) (U10 )
  • Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus reversal via implantation of magnetically purified microencapsulated pseudoislets. Albert Espona-Noguera, J. Etxebarria-Elezgarai, L. Saenz del Burgo, A. Cañibano-Hernández, H. Gurruchaga, Gorka Orive, Rosa M. Hernández, F. Benito-Lopez, J. Ciriza, L. Basabe-Desmonts and J.L. Pedraz (NANOBIOCEL) (U10 )
  • Unraveling the immune system participation in therapy response in GL261 glioblastoma: correlation with MRSI-based molecular imaging techniques. Calero, N. Arias-Ramos, R. Rabanal, M. Pumarola, C. Arús, A.P. Candiota (GABRMN-UAB) (U25)
  • Dual T1/T2 nanoscale coordination polymers as novel contrast agents for MRI: a preclinical study for brain tumor. Suárez-García, N. Arias-Ramos, C. Frias, A.P. Candiota, C. Arús, J. Lorenzo, D. Ruiz-Molina, F. Novio (GABRMN-UAB) (U25)
  • Impact of high glucose levels and ketoacidosis associated to diabetic complications on bacterial growth and attachment to Ti6Al4V. Miguel A. Pacha-Olivenza, María Fernández-Grajera, Daniel Romero-Guzmán, M. Luisa González-Martín (AM-UEX) (U16)
  • Preparation, characterization and bacterial performance on PLDA and PLDA 10% Mg films. Verónica Luque-Agudo, Daniel Romero-Guzmán, Coronada Fernández-Calderón, Miguel A. Pacha-Olivenza, María Fernández-Grajera, Margarita Hierro-Oliva, M. Luisa Navarro-Pérez, Ciro Pérez-Giraldo, M. Luisa González-Martín, Amparo M. Gallardo-Moreno (AM-UEX) (U16)
  • A wavelet-based approach for automatic diagnosis of strict left bundle branch block. Alba Martín-Yebra, Juan Pablo Martínez (BSICoS) (U27)
  • ECG-derived respiration in atrial fibrillation. Spyridon Kontaxis, Jesús Lázaro, Valentina D. A. Corino, Frida Sandberg, Raquel Bailón, Pablo Laguna, and Leif Sörnmo (BSICoS) (U27)
  • Development of highly metastatic, CXCR4-overexpressing, colorectal cancer models. Rita Sala, Alberto Gallardo, Ugutz Unzueta, Patricia Álamo, Carmen Cabrera, Esperanza Medina, Isolda Casanova, Irene Arroyo, Aïda Falgás, Carlos Navas, Manuel Trías, Antonio Villaverde, Esther Vázquez, Ramón Mangues, Mª Virtudes Céspedes (GOA-HSPau) (U18)
  • PATHGATE: Oligonucleotide-gated sensing nanodevices for pathogen detection. Luis Pla, Angela Ribes, M. Angeles Tormo-Mas, Javier Pemán, Félix Sancenón, Elena Aznar, Ramón Martínez-Máñez and Sara Santiago-Felipe (IQMA-IDM-UPV) (U26)
  • Towards chemical communication between abiotic nanoparticles and living systems. Beatriz de Luis, Paola Ricón, Cristina de la Torre, Antoni LLopis, Jose Gadea, Jose R. Murguía, Félix Sancenón, Ramón Martínez-Máñez, Elena Aznar (IQMA-IDM-UPV) (U26)
  • Development  and  in vitro evaluation  of  antimicrobial  polymer  coatings  for the prophylactic treatment of hernia repair materials. Bárbara Pérez-Köhler, Selma Benito, Mar Fernández-Gutiérrez, Gemma Pascual, Marta Rodríguez, Verónica Gómez-Gil, Francisca García-Moreno, Julio San Román, Juan Manuel Bellón (GITBIT-UAH) (U17)
  • Experimental study of the application of a new bone cement loaded with broad spectrum antibiotics for the treatment of bone infection. Joaquín García, Galo Azuara, Blanca Ibarra, Miguel A. Ortega, Ángel Asúnsolo, Blanca Vázquez, Julio San Román, Julia Buján, Basilio De la Torre, Natalio García-Honduvilla (GITBIT-UAH) (U17)
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Marisa González, Scientific Director of Unit 16 of NANBIOSIS, candidate to the Rectorate of the University of Extremadura

Marisa González, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 16 Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit, runs for elections to the Rectorate of the University of Extremadura, to be held on November 27.

Marisa González, Professor of Applied Physics in the Faculty of Sciences and the Group Leader of  Microbial Adhesion research group of CIBER-BBN at University of Extremadura, she works with implants and materials on contact with body fluids and tissues, such as blood or bones, and the importance of knowing how these surfaces interact with proteins and molecules in the blood, and how they would do it in case of that bacteria could arrive that could cause infections in our organism.

In addition to teaching and research, Marisa has experience in the management of the University of Extremadura, she has been, for example, director of the departments of Physics and Applied Physics. In these sense, although Marisa González already stressed that she would not flag her condiction of woman, the truth is that if she wins she would be the first woman to lead the UEx. In fact, it is the first time that there is a female candidate.

In the picture members of CIBER-BBN and NANBIOSIS for Marisa to the UEX in postive!


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CIBER-BBN Annual Conferences in Valladolid 12-13 November

CIBER-BBN Annual Conferences are taking place now in Hotel Felipe IV in Valladolid, 150 scientists in the field of nanotechnology, biomaterials and bioengineeering gather to share their progress during this year, present their projects and seek synergies for collaboration.

The NANBIOSIS Session will take place this afternoon at 16:30, and at 18:30 will take place NANBIOSIS Scientificic Advisory Board meeting





















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Update and improvement of unit 20 of NANBIOSIS

NANBIOSIS, U20. In Vivo Experimental Platform, led by Dr. Simó Schwartz and Dr. Ibane Ibasolo, has been recently updated and improved as a result of its participation in the project FICTS1420-20, selected by the MICINN for co-financing by the FEDER Program in ICTS 2014-2020. 

These update and improvement include: DLS meassurement system, a fluorimeter and a waterbath for specific activity assays. The fine characterization of the size and size distribution of nanoparticles is essential for the right understanding of their in vivo behavior. The incorporation of this service to the U20 allows the determination of the drug/fluorophore loading/activity of the drug delivery systemistered in vivo, a good quality control of compounds and nanoparticles, as well as the study of their stability upon storage.

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Nanomedicine: how to get drugs to the place where they have to act.

At the beginning of June, the Jury of the Rei Jaume I 2018 Awards, formed by Nobel Prize winners, businessmen and scientists, met in Valencia to choose the winners.

Today has taken place the ceremony of delivery of the 30th edition of the awards presided over by King Felipe VI. Among the six winners, in the category of New Technologies was Ramón Martínez Mañez, Scientific Director of the CIBER-BBN and Unit 26 of NANBIOSIS.

Coinciding with its thirtieth anniversary, the Rei Jaume Foundation has produced a series of videos of interviews with the winners. In this video, Ramón Martínez Mañez, Scientific Director of Unit 26 of NANBIOSIS, who has received the Rei Jaume I Award for New Technologies, talks about the two major areas in which he works and other topics such as the recognition of science and the need to recover the talent of researchers who go out of Spain and a better connection between research and the company. Some of his answers are the following:

One of our lines of research is in the field of sensors: systems based on nanotechnology for the detection of substances such as the presence of pathogens that may be harmful to health. The other major area is nanomedicines for the controlled release of drugs, one of the fundamental ideas of nanomedicine is how to get drugs to the place where they have to act.

Recognition in science is obtained if your works are cited, having social recognition is much more difficult.

We are a good country in science but we are a country in the second division in the transfer of science to the companies, it is needed more investment so that the products end up coming to the market or so that more research is done in collaboration with companies in Spain.

It is good to leave Spain, not necessarily to succeed but to see how they work in other places. The problem that exists today is that it is very difficult to return to Spain and this is a pity because there are very well educated and very good people who stay abroad.

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Preclinical Study for Brain Tumor with Novel Contrast Agents for MRI

Ana Paula Candiota and Carles Arús, Scientific Cordinator and Scientific Director of  U25 of NANBIOSIS, NMR: Biomedical Applications I  have participated in the research published by ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Journal  that include a preclinical study carried for brain Tumor.

Extensive attention has been paid on designing and developing functional imaging contrast agents for providing accurate noninvasive evaluation of pathology in vivo. However, alse-positives or ambiguous imaging and the lack of a robust strategy for simultaneous dual-mode imaging remain to be fully addressed. One effective strategy for improving it is to  design magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents (CAs) with intrinsic T1/ T2 dual-mode imaging features. In this joint work from ICN2 and CIBER-BBN members, the development and characterization of nanostructured coordination polymers (NCPs) which exhibit dual mode T1/ T2 MRI contrast behavior is described.

The MR characterization was performed at U25 of NANBIOSIS

Article of reference:

Dual T1/T2 Nanoscale Coordination Polymers as Novel Contrast Agents for MRI: A Preclinical Study for Brain Tumor“. S. Suárez-GarcíaN. Arias-RamosC. FriasA. P. CandiotaC. ArúsJ. LorenzoD. Ruiz-Molina, and F. Novio ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Article ASAP

DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b15594.

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