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Posts by Nanbiosis

Micro & nano(bio)technology for Diagnosis: Changes and Challenges

Pilar Marco, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U2 Custom Antibody Service (CAbS) participated as Keynote speakers at the Second European Biosensor Symposium (EBS2019) taking about “Micro & nano(bio)technology for Diagnosis: Changes and Challenges” at the 2nd European Biosensor Symposium 2019 that took place in Florence (Italy) Last February 18-21.

The EBS brougth toguether young scientists, experienced researchersand companies to push forward new approaches on biosensor and and their applications,

Pilar Marco spoke abaut the changes ocurred on the field of Diagnosis since the days of “house calls”, relying primarily on physical examination, to nowadays in which a wide portfolio of biochemical analytical tests is available, and pointed out the challenge to improve knowledge in microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip technologies, system integration, device automation, and signal readout, as well as simultaneously measure distinct sets of biomolecular features on a reproducible and reliable manner. Prof. Marco also gave some examples of technological alternatives to circumvent these limitations in the clinical diagnostic field.

Pictures by Rudolf Schneider https://bit.ly/2T0yYNi

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The European Union highlights the relevance of the JUMISC’s Cutting-Edge Infraestructures and Technology, recognized as ICTS.

Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (JUMISC), from Cáceres, partnert of NANBIOSIS, has recently made headlines on the website of the European Commission as an innovative center for Biomedical and Health Research.

In the interview to his Director, Francisco Miguel Sanchez Margallo, he explained how European Funds allowed Infraestructures and Vanguard Technology for biomedical research at the CCMIJU, which have already been recognized, as part of NANBIOSIS, with CIBER-BBN and BIONAND, as “Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructure” (ICTS).

Complete news at European Commision’s Website: https://ec.europa.eu/spain/news/investeu_caceres_es

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GLP Analytical Validation Study in Different Animal Species

Beatriz Moreno Lobato and Francisco Miguel Sánchez Margallo, Scientific Director and Coordinator of NANBIOSIS unit 19 Clinical tests lab at CCMIJU, have reclently published an study in the journal Thrombosis & Haemostasis: Research, with the aim to contribute with methodological results data to help the researcher to establish the validation of the analytical methods used within the research.

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is a quality system of management controls to ensure the uniformity, consistency, reliability, reproducibility, quality, and integrity of pre-clinical safety tests.

In the study, different hematological parameters (WBC, RBC, HB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, and PLT) were validated in pig, sheep, dog and rabbit, calculatting the repeatability and the intermediate precision . The obtained results were statistically analyzed; the mean, the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation were calculated.

The study results ensure the quality and integrity of the measurements obtained in the CCMIJU Clinical tests lab (unit 19 of NANBIOSIS), which is necessary in the performance of preclinical studies.

Article of reference: Moreno-Lobato B and Sánchez-Margallo FM. Analytical Validation Study of Hematological Parameters under Good Laboratory Practice Regulations in Different Laboratory Animal Species. Thromb Haemost Res. 2019; 3(1): 1018.

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PILAR MARCO, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U2, interviewed by CIBER-BBN ISCIII Bulletin

Pilar Marco, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U2 Custom Antibody Service (CAbS) has been highlighted in the January Bulletin of CIBER-BBN ISCIII

In the interview, among other topics Prof. Pilar Marco talks about diagnostic devices based on nanobiosensors and the extraordinary impact that these technologies could have on health in the coming decades.

Her research group Nb4D (Nanobiotechnology for Diagnosis) has an important collection of specific antibodies for different biomarkers and the CIBER-BNN/IQAC-CSIS platform CAbS (Custom Antibody Service) that constitutes the unit 2 of NANBIOSIS, they offer the possibility of producing specific and immunoreactive antibodies with the necessary expertise to generate antibodies “a la carte”, that is, being able to modulate to some extent the affinity and selectivity of these biomolecules, depending on the needs of each project. “And we do this, -Prof Marco explains- not only for molecules with high immunogenic capacity such as most proteins, but also for low molecular weight molecules, which in themselves are not capable of generating an immune response”. They are also able to chemically modify these antibodies and bind them to nanoparticles with defined optical, electrochemical or magnetic properties, thus converting them into nanoprobes able to detect biomarkers and generate an optical or electrochemical signal. We can also incorporate them in a controlled manner in transducer devices designed based on the latest advances in micro (nano) electronics to develop a new generation of diagnostic devices, much more sensitive and reliable, capable of providing quick answers and allowing a more accurate diagnosis early and accurate.

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NANBIOSIS Scientific Women in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Today February 11 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day to raise awareness of the gender gap in science and technology.

According to the United Nations, while yet women and girls continue to be excluded from participating fully in science, science and gender equality are vital to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Thus, in recent years, the international community has made a great effort to inspire and promote the participation of women and girls in science.

NANBIOSIS wants to acknowledge  the efforts made by scientific women who struggle every day to contribute their bit to Science and highlight their essential role in nowadays research. Especially we want to recognize the work of scientists women involved in our units, whatever is the nature of their contribution: technical, scientific development, management, coordination, direction, etc; just to mention some examples:
Neus Ferrer in the Scientific Direction of Unit 1 Protein Production Platform (PPP)
Pilar Marco and Nuria Pascual in the Management and Scientific Coordination of U2 Custom Antibody Service (CAbS) 
Miriam Royo in the Scientific Direction of U3 Synthesis of Peptides Unit
Laura Lechuga and M.Carmen Estevez in the Direction and Scientific Coordination of U4 Biodeposition and Biodetection Unit
Nora Ventosa and Nathaly Segovia in the Scientific Direction and Technical Coordination of U6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit
Isabel Oliveira and Teresa Galán in the Coordination of U7 Nanotecnology Unit
Rosa Villa and Gemma Gabriel in the Management and Scientific Coordination of U8 Micro – Nano Technology Unit
Gema Martínez in the Scientific Coordination of U9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit
Fany Peña in the Scientific Coordination of U13 Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit
Mª Luisa González Martín in the of Direction and Scientific Coordination of U16 Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit
Gemma Pascual and Isabel Trabado in the Coordination of the U17 Confocal Microscopy Service
Mª Virtudes Céspedes in the Scientific Coordination of U18 Nanotoxicology Unit
Beatriz Moreno in the Scientific Direction of Unit 19 Clinical tests lab
Ibane Abásolo in the Scientific Coordination of Unit 20 In Vivo Experimental Platformt
Verónica Crisóstomo in the Scientific Direction of Unit 24 Medical Imaging 
Ana Paula Candiota in the Scientific Coordination of Unit 25 Biomedical Applications I 
Maria Luisa García in the Scientific Direction of U28 NanoImaging Unit from Bionand, recently incorporated to NANBIOSIS

Thanks to all of you and your teams!

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Label-free bacteria quantification in blood plasma by a bioprinted microarray based interferometric point-of-care device

Prof Laura Lechuga, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U4 Biodeposition and Biodetection Unit is coauthor of an article publish by ACS Sonsors that shows a portable and autonomous device based on optical interferometry that, when used with specialized nanoplasmonic, can detect directly bacterial cells of the patient’s blood plasma.

The work demonstrates the potential of a microarray based POC device for bacteria quantification. The contribution of NANBIOSIS, in particular Unit 4, has been fundamental by providing the  molecular printers necessary for the generation of the biofunctionalized specific microarrayed chips used for the bacteria detection.

P. Dey, N. Fabri-Faja, O. Calvo-Lozano, R. Terborg, A. Belushkin, F. Yesilköy, A. Fàbrega, J. C. Ruiz-Rodriguez, R. Ferrer, J. J. González-López, M. C. Estévez, H. Altug, V. Pruneri, L. M. Lechuga. Label-free bacteria quantification in blood plasma by a bioprinted microarray based interferometric point-of-care device. ACS Sens., 20194 (1), pp 52–60 DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.8b00789

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The 5th project face to face meeting has taken place in Cáceres (Spain). The first version of the PICCOLO prototype was set up at CCMIJU, facilities at the end of 2018, and it has been a great chance to show it to the PICCOLO consortium members. During these two days of the meeting, the technical partners presented both the individual components of the prototype (MPT and OCT) and the integration of the same in the probe of the multi-photonic system. The attendants have been able to check in-situ the performance of the prototype in the operating rooms of CCMIJU. Based on this, and in close collaboration with clinical partners, next steps regarding the pre-clinical tests on animal models to be performed were discussed.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programmeunder Grant Agreement No. 732111

Image of the meeting participants at the face to face meeting in the JUMISC, partner of NANBIOSIS.

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STRYKER & NANBIOSIS start a promising line of biomedical research collaboration

On January 23-24th a two-day meeting between NANBIOSIS and Stryker Trauma GmbH, took place at the Carlos III Health Institute, in Madrid, to explore synergies and potential joint initiatives.  

Nils Reimers and Robin Buescher from Stryker, presented some of their research and upcoming projects in the field of trauma medical devices, and representatives from NANBIOSIS’ units -Marisa González from U16 Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit, Teresa Galán from U7, Nanotechnology Unit, Gemma Pascual from U17 Confocal Microscopy Service, from CIBER-BBN, Marisa García from U28 (Bionand) and José Francisco Guillén and Francisco Sanchez Margallo from the units of the Jesús Usón Minimum Invasive Surgery Center (CCMIJU) , together with Jesús, Izco Executive Director of NANBIOSIS and Ramon Martínez, Scientific Director of CIBER-BBN- explained their technologies.

The second day, the meeting location was moved to the CCMIJU in Cáceres, to visit the Center facilities and continue conversations.

All attendees expressed their satisfaction with the development of the meeting and agreed to continue with the explorations in forthcoming meetings.

Photo caption: From left to right: José Francisco Guillén (Quality Guarantee Manager of CCMIJU),  Jesús Izco (NANBIOSIS Executive Director), Francisco Sanchez Margallo (Scientific Director of CCMIJU), Nils Reimers (Senior Manager R&D – Stryker Trauma GmbH), Robin Buescher (Director R&D Stryker Trauma GmbH), Margarita Casado (Management Staff of NANBIOSIS)”

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Laura Lechuga, Scientific Director of Unit 4 of NANBIOSIS Coordinates a EuroNanoMed project

ABISENS Monitoing of Acquired Brain Injury and recovery biomarkers by the combined label-free nanosensing of multiple circulating molecules is one of the project awarded in the EuroNanoMed III joint call, will be coordinated by Laura Lechuga through the CIBER-BBN

Abisens will employ the Unit 4 of Nanbiosis, Biodeposition and Biodetection Unit or the multiplexed biofunctionalization of the biosensor chips and their methodology optimisation

The evaluation of patients after brain injuries, which produces severe impairments, remains a major unmet clinical need. Nowadays the diagnosis, prognosis and the efficacy of rehabilitation treatments are mainly assessed by clinical examinations, neuroimaging and electrophysiological tests during a long hospitalization stay. The aim the project is to offer as an alternative a new nanobiosensor platform able to identify and quantify multiple brain biomarkers in blood with high sensitivity and in a short time. The new biosensor platform will employ nanophotonic waveguide circuits in combination with oligonucleotide chemistry.

The project will be characterized by a strong interdisciplinary and translational nature resulting from the meeting between real clinical needs and high-level technological integration of biosensing and bimolecular aspects.

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NANBIOSIS Against Cancer

The World Health Organization, the International Cancer Research Center (IARC) and the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) celebrate February 4 of each year as World Cancer Day

Every year, 14 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed worldwide and the disease causes 8.2 million deaths.

Thanks to scientific research, great advances have been made in the fight against cancer. Through surgery, chemotherapy or radio therapy and, in the last 20 years, through immunotherapy, hormonal treatment or cell therapies, tools have been obtained to improve early diagnosis and treatments, increasing cancer survival by 20%.

The only way to understand cancer and, someday, eradicate it or eliminate the suffering and death due to this disease, is RESEARCH

NANBIOSIS as an ICTS (Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures) for biomedical research plays a very important role in the fight against cancer. Some examples are bellow:

Thanks to a coordinated action between units U1 of Protein Production Platform (PPP), U18 of Nanotoxicology and U29 of Nucleic Acid Synthesis, NANBIOSIS is developing nanopharmaceuticals with a high degree of efficacy for the treatment of metastases in colon cancer, by using of proteins with high specificity of binding to metastatic cells and a high degree of permanence in the blood flow, loaded with anti-cancer drugs that are selectively released inside the tumor cells that are going to form the metastases. Through the public financing of a NEOTEC project and a RETOS-COLABORACION and the company NANOLIGENT SL, the first antimetastatic drug on the market will be developed.

The Protein Production Platform-PPP collaborates with research projects whose objective is the development of new cancer therapies based on recombinant modular proteins with the ability to self-assemble. These multimeric complexes have shown, in animal models, a high stability in serum and an improved biodistribution compared to that observed with drugs for clinical use. These principles have been valued in different types of cancer, including colorectal cancer and breast cancer. The modular design of these constructions allows the incorporation or substitution of direct peptides and therefore they are presented as a transversal tool for more effective treatments against cancer. In addition, the PPP has served the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) of Barcelona, the Josep Vilanueva group (CIBERONC) in the field of biomarker study and new targets associated with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC).

Unit 6 of NANBIOSIS Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit is working on a project in collaboration with VHIR, financed by the Spanish Goverment and CIBER-BBN, for the development of a new nanomedicine for the treatment of high-risk neuroblastoma, one of the most frequent childhood cancers.

Unit 6 is also working on the project Artificial Lymph Nodes for Cancer ImmunoTherapy (ALYCIA) A project born of a initiative of CIBER-BBN/ CIBERONC to enhance scientific interdisciplinary collaborations between research groups working on oncology and nanomedicine. Researchers of unit 6 will develop Artificial Lymph Nodes (ALN) based on dynamic 3D scaffolds able to promote efficient ex vivo lymphatic cell expansion of relevant phenotypes. Such ALN represent a new approach to lymphocyte expansion, which not only includes artificial Antigen Presenting Cells in suspension like the state-of-the-art expansion techniques, but also mimics the function of the LN ex vivo.

One of the singular capabilities of the U25 of NANBIOSIS NMR: Biomedical Applications I is the acquisition of high quality, high resolution preclinical magnetic resonance imaging/spectroscopy/spectroscopic imaging data. This allows performing leading-edge studies in preclinical cancer models such as noninvasive therapy response follow-up in murine brain tumours, revealing new response biomarkers with translational potential for brain cancer patients.

NANBIOSIS U4 Biodeposition and Biodetection Unit  is currently developing the national project PREDICT Point-of-care Nanoplasmonic Platforms for Novel High-Value Diagnostics and Therapy Follow-Up , which works in the early detection of lung cancer. PREDICT project will use the Unit 4 of Nanbiosis for the multiplexed biofunctionalization of the biosensor chips and their methodology optimisation.

Finally, Unit 20 of NANBIOSIS In Vivo Experimental Platform at VHIR, is the most implicated of the CIBER units on projects in the field of cancer, just to name some of them: H2020-NoCanTher: magnetic nanoparticles against pancreatic cancer through the use of hyperthermia combined with conventional treatment. H2020-Target-4-Cancer: nanotherapy based on polymeric micelles directed against specific receptors of tumor stem cells in colorectal cancer. H2020-DiamStar: nanodiamonds directed against leukemia for the potentiation of chemotherapy. FET-OPEN EvoNano: in silico and tumor-tumor models for the prediction of PK / PD and tumor efficacy of antitumor nanomedicines against tumor stem cells. FIS-ISCIII: polymeric micelles for siRNA and combined therapy against breast cancer tumor stem cells. CarboXigel: hydrogels for the sustained release of chemotherapeutic drugs against the metastatic spread of ovarian cancer. MelanoMir: nanomedicine applied to skin cancer, melanoma, beside other projects promoted by CIBER-BBN.

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