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Posts by Nanbiosis

The first Nanocomposite that slows the spread of colon cancer

The creation of a nanodrug capable of blocking the spread of the disease, which is known as metastasis, has been highlighted by Guia Medica, as a heavy blow struck against to colon cancer, the malignant tumor with the highest incidence in our country, a process that affects 40% of the million cases of this type of cancer that are diagnosed every year in the world, and that represents the main cause of death.

The research, jointly carried out by scientists from the IIB Sant Pau, Sant Pau Hospital, the UAB, CSIC and CIBER-BBN, led by Esther Vázquez and Antonio Villaverde, Strategy Director of NANBIOSIS U1. Protein Production Platform (PPP) in the IBB-UAB and Ramon Mangues, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U18. Nanotoxicology Unit in the Sant Pau Hospital, were published in the scientific journal EMBO Molecular Medicine ando pen a new way to prevent metastasis in colorectal cancer in humans, using a nanomedicine that selectively eliminates metastatic stem cells.

NANBIOSIS Unit 18 of Nanotoxicology has been involved in the study of the biodistribution and the antimetastatic effect and on normal organs of the nanoconjugate administered and the unit and Unit 1 PPP, has contributed to the production of the protein part of the nanoconjugate.

The new drug works like a drone that identifies a receptor (CXCR4) in metastatic stem cells. Once localized, it administers the drug and destroys it, blocking the metastasis, according to research sources. By acting only on metastatic tumor cells, the new nanodrug avoids the general toxicity associated with the usual treatments against cancer and preserves healthy cells. Although up to now it has been successfully tested in animals suffering from colorectal cancer, the researchers who have carried out the trial believe that it could be used in 20 types of additional tumors, which also express CXCR4, as in prostate, breast, ovarian and other tumors.

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Polymers and medical applications: Success Cases of Preclinical Research

Next May 10, a conference on “Polymers and medical applications” will be held in Vizcaya, with the participation of NANBIOSIS Deputy Director, and JUMISC Scientific Director Dr. Francisco Miguel Sánchez Margallo, as guest speaker, who will give the lecture “Preclinical Research: Success Cases

The event will count also with the expertise of Dr. Miguel Angel Martínez, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U13 Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unittalking about “Modeling and simulation in biomedical applications

Other topics that will be discussed at the Conference will be Hydrogels, Nanogels and Nanoparticles for Controlled Release of Bioactive Substances,
The Microfluidics as a Tool for the Development of “Organ-on-a-chip and the Use of Liquid Silicone in Devices for Cell Growth.

Leartiker is a team of researchers dedicated to R+D+I, specialized in Polymer Technology and belonging to the Basque Science and Technology Network (RVCTI).

Registration is free until full capacity is reached.

More information here.

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3D cross-correlation dynamic light scattering (DLS) spectrometer of NANBIOSIS U12 has been upgraded

The 3D cross-correlation dynamic light scattering (DLS) spectrometer of NANBIOSIS U12 Nanostructured liquid characterization unit has been upgraded with a new goniometer and last generation laser detectors and beam splitters that allow to extend the scattering angle detection range to 10-150 degrees, and enables measurements in shorter scattering lengths for highly turbid and/or concentrated samples. Non-ergodic samples (e.g. gels) can also be measured with the new configuration

The upgrade has been funded by CSIC through the grant “Special fund for the support of Scientific and Technical Services 2018” (02045)

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Why peripheral blood lymphocyte alterations can be good biomarkers to predict myocardial infarction severity

Researchers of CCMIJU led by Verónica Crisóstomo, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U24 Medical imaging, and Javier García Casado Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U14 Cell Therapy unit have carried out a study study aimed to identify which are the very early immune-related biomarkers that may be used as predictors of myocardial infarction severity.

Experimental studies have been conducted by NANBIOSIS Units 14, 21, 22 and 24 of the CCMIJU, clinical test lab, animal housing, experimental operating room and medical imaging tecniciansare are recognized in the acknowledgement and funding sections of the article.

Article of reference:

Esther López, Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo, Verónica Álvarez, Rebeca Blázquez, Federica Marinaro, Ana Abad, Helena Martín, Claudia Báez,Virginia Blanco,Verónica Crisóstomo and Javier García Casado “Identification of very early inflammatory markers in a porcine myocardial infarction model” BMC Veterinary Research 2019-15:91

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New tensiometer for NANBIOSIS Unit 12

The new Biolin Sigma 701 has replaced the previos KSV Sigma 700. in the equipment of NANBIOSIS U12 Nanostructured liquid characterization unit

With this new tensiometer automated and high precision measurement of surface and interfacial tensions, contact angles and critical micelle concentrations will be obtained.

The purchase of the new tensiometer has been co-funded by the CSIC through a grant received from the Scientific and Technical Services support (MEC1372).

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Infertility: Exosomal microRNAs in seminal plasma as sensitive and specific biomarkers of the presence of testicular spermatozoa for azoospermia

NANBIOSIS ICTS coordination equipment has recently received from researchers of Human Molecular Genetics Group of Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) a publication mentioning NANBIOSIS in the Acknowledgements for its participation in the results of its investigations. The article has been publish by the journal Human Reproduction of OXFORD UNIV PRESS  with Quartile 1/ Decile 1.

The study carried out by  Maria Barcelo, Ana Mata, Lluís Bassas, and Sara Larriba demonstrates the potential of several miRNAs contained in small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) of seminal fluid as sensitive and specific biomarkers for selecting those azoospermic individuals with real chances of obtaining spermatozoa from the testicular biopsy. The nanoparticle tracking analysis was performed by the ICTS NANBIOSIS  U6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit.

Article of reference:

Maria Barceló, Ana Mata, Lluís Bassas and Sara Larriba, Exosomal microRNAs in seminal plasma are markers of the origin of azoospermia and can predict the presence of sperm in testicular tissue Human Reproduction, pp. 1–12, 2018doi:10.1093/humrep/dey072

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NANOMOL group, coordinator of NANBIOSIS Unit 6 collaborates with the VHIR in the developement of a new nanomedicine for the treatment of a childhood cancer

Within the MOTHER project (Molecule-based materials and supramolecular organizations for therapy, diagnosis and tissue engineering), the NANOMOL group from ICMAB collaborates with the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), on the developement of a new nanomedicine for the treatment of high risk neuroblastoma, one of the most typical childhood cancers. Now, researchers from VHIR have identified new microRNAs that reduce the progression of this type of cancer.

The participation of NANOMOL group and NANBIOSIS unit 6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit, as experts in nanoparticles and nanovesciles for nanomedicine, is on the synthesis of the adequate nanocapsules to protect, stabilize and direct this microRNAs molecules to the cancer tumours. The near future goal is to be able to administer the identified microRNAs for the treatment of high-risk neuroblastoma.

For further information

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Laura Lechuga, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 4 is interviewed by CIBER Bulletin

Laura M. Lechuga, group leader of the CIBER-BBN at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) and Sccientific Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 4 Biodeposotion Unit explains her research in an interview to CIBER Bulletin

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The hidden brain activity

Researchers of NANBIOSIS Unit 8 Micro and nano techonlogy unit, (Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona-CNM-CSIC/ CIBER-BBN ), led by Anton Guimera are coauthors of recently published article in the scientific magazine Nature Materials about the hidden brain activity, entitled “High-resolution mapping of infraslow cortical brain activity enabled by graphene microtransistors “

Recording infraslow brain signals (<0.1 Hz) with microelectrodes is severely hampered by current microelectrode materials, primarily due to limitations resulting from voltage drift and high electrode impedance. Hence, most recording systems include high-pass filters that solve saturation issues but come hand in hand with loss of physiological and pathological information. In this work, we use flexible epicortical and intracortical arrays of graphene solution-gated field-effect transistors (gSGFETs) to map cortical spreading depression in rats and demonstrate that gSGFETs are able to record, with high fidelity, infraslow signals together with signals in the typical local field potential bandwidth. The wide recording bandwidth results from the direct field-effect coupling of the active transistor, in contrast to standard passive electrodes, as well as from the electrochemical inertness of graphene. Taking advantage of such functionality, we envision broad applications of gSGFET technology for monitoring infraslow brain activity both in research and in the clinic.

Article of reference:

Masvidal-Codina, E., Illa, X., Dasilva, M. et al. High-resolution mapping of infraslow cortical brain activity enabled by graphene microtransistors. Nature Mater18, 280–288 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-018-0249-4

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Meshes in a mess: Mesenchymal stem cell-based therapies for soft tissue reinforcement

Unit 14 of Nanbiosis of Cell Therapy, led by Javier García Casado, has published a review on advances in the development of surgical meshes combined with stem cells. The work of the Nanbiosis team has been published in the prestigious journal “Acta Biomaterialia”

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