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Posts by Nanbiosis

II Course on introcuction to research and laboratory techniques in biomedicine

JUMISC has organised the Course on introcuction to research and laboratory techniques in biomedicine which wil take place during the month of July, co-Directed by Francisco M. Sanchez Margallo, Deputy Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS  and Javier García Casado, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS unit 14 Cell Therapy.

Further information and programe: here

Inscriptions: here

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Manuel Doblaré, researcher of NANBIOSIS U13, new Chairman of IMDEA Materials Foundation

Manuel Doblaré researcher of the Group Applied Mechanics and Bioengineering AMB and NANBIOSIS U13 Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit of CIBER-BBN and I3A presides, from this month, the Board of Trustees of the Imdea Materiales Foundation.

The IMDEA Materials Institute, one of the seven Madrid Institutes for Advanced Studies (IMDEA), is a public research centre founded in 2007 by Madrid’s regional government. The goal of the Institute is to do research at the forefront of Material Science and Engineering, attracting talent from all around the globe, and collaborating with companies in an effort to transfer fundamental and applied knowledge into valuable technology

In an interview by I3A-UZ Manuel Doblaré highlights from IMDEA its great evolution and major strategic lines, with projects lasting three or four years and the balance he has achieved between very powerful basic research and strong collaboration with the industry.

Manuel Doblaré was the founder of the I3A and the forst scientific director of the CIBER-BBN. Today, in addition to chairing the IMDEA Materials Foundation, he is a Fellow of the European Alliance for Engineering and Biomedicine (EAMBES) and the World Biomechanics Council, as well as the director of the Gadea Ciencia Foundation, whose objective is to promote the improvement and advancement of science, technology and innovation in Spain.

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NANBIOSIS scientists in Aragón, explain on TV their research againts coronavirus

The special program on the coronavirus pandemic  by “En Ruta con la Ciencia” of Aragón Televisión, analyzes different aspects of the disease with special attention to the work of Aragonese scientists. Among them, two  research groups that coordinate NANBIOSIS units 9 and 27.

Starting at minute 44’45 ‘of the program, Doctor Jesús Lázaro, researcher of the BSICoS group of I3A-UZ and CIBER-BBN, led by Pablo Laguna, which coordinates NANBIOSIS U27 High Performance Computing Unit, explains his research. For almost 3 years, Jesús Lázaro had been working on a European project to develop a respiratory and heart rate monitoring system for patients with EPOC to control and predict episodes of worsening disease, but the current situation has led him to redirect his goal to try to provide solutions in this crisis and have creates an application for the mobile phone to detect from our home, if we have a viral infection: – “The parameters measured by this application have to do with the nervous system Autonomous, – explains Jesús Lázaro – they are the heart rate, its variability and the respiratory rate, these three parameters would allow observing a response through SARS-COV-2. The application works based on a technology that uses the flash of the mobile phone camera as a receiver to obtain a signal that is proportional to the blood volume of the finger put on the flash light, what allows detecting both, the number of beats per minute and the morphology of the arterial pulse, to obtain the respiratory rate. At the moment this application has been tested by the research staff and the next phase is to assess it with the general public. As the application is based on detecting autonomic markers, a very high sensitivity is expected, as well as a very low specificity, which would allow detecting not only SARS-COV-2 but analyzing these parameters in other contexts and in other diseases, even detecting other eventual viruses of other eventual pandemics ”.

Further information on the research project here

Starting at 28’14 ’’ One of the problems of the coronavirus test is what is known as false negatives, people who have passed the disease, but are not detected and could continue to spread it. A research group is developing early diagnostic tests to try to reduce this error rate. Pilar Martín Duque, at the IACS Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences, is a researcher of the NFP group of the INA and the CIBER-BBN, led by Jesús Santamaría, which coordinates NANBIOSIS U9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit : – “All techniques have a detection limit and a sensitivity, it is necessary to have a minimum amount of virus in the body for the virus being detected, if the viral load is low it may not be detected at that time, it is possible that some patients with a low viral load recover, but in other cases the virus begins to grow and after two weeks they can be positives”- explains Pilar Martín. Her project makes PCRs more effective by concentrating the viral load before testing. – “There is a curious case, – continues Pilar -, of an American navy ship, moored in China, in which five sailors were detected to be infected by coronavirus, so they were quarantined during fourteen days and, after new tests with negative results, they were allowed to return to the United States on the ship. However halfway through the journey, the same five sailors suffered an outbreak of the disease. Therefore, our study would be useful for detecting patients with the virus tested for the first time or for not discharging patients who had been already diagnosed if they really are not yet negative”.  It is estimated that 10% of the population has infected 80%, these 10% are the so-called “superspreaders”, they are infected with a high viral load, but they feel well and do not know about it. For example, there have been several cases in choirs, such as the Choir of Zarzuela in Madrid, where 53 members were contagious out of the 80 members form the choir, this is because when singing or speaking very loudly, more drops are produced that carry the virus”. But why do some people become infected before others? Pilar explains that this is related to some, already known, receptors for entry of viruses, the AC2 receptors, and there are people who has more of these receptors than others.

Further information on the research here:

If we have learned anything from this pandemic it is the importance of health and research, a robust research system has the knowledge, tools, and human talent to respond to any situation. If we want to be prepared for the next pandemic, it is important and essential to continue betting on research.

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Optimization of Recycled-Membrane Biofilm Reactor as a sustainable biological treatment for microcystins removal with nanbiosis expertise.

Jesús Morón-López (IMDEA), Serena Molina (Chemical Engineering Department, University of Alcalá) have recently published the results of their research about Recycled-Membrane Biofilm Reactor as a sustainable biological treatment for microcystins (MC) removal. The study addresses the lack of sustainable technologies for water treatment, while opening an alternative in sustainable solid waste management under a circular economy approach.

The biofilm visualization has been performed by ICTS “NANBIOSIS”, more specifically by the Unit 17 Confocal Microscopy Service of Ciber in Bioengineering, Biomaterials & Nanomedicine (CIBER-BNN) at the Alcala University (CAI Medicine Biology) led by Juan Manuel Bellón y Gemma Pascual. In this case, the biofilm attached to the recycled membrane was observed under the confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM Leica SP5, Leica Microsystems) of NANBIOSIS Unit 17.

Article of refrence:

Jesús Morón-López, Serena Molina, Optimization of Recycled-Membrane Biofilm Reactor (R-MBfR) as a sustainable biological treatment for microcystins removal Biochemical Engineering Journal 153 (2020) 107422

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The European Commission releases a video showing the European project against coronavirus led by prof Laura Lechuga

The European Commission Representation in Barcelona has published the five-minute video “The EU fights the Covid-19 from Catalonia” in which four researchers explain the projects they are working on.

The researchers appearing in the video are  Laura Lechuga Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS unit 4 from CIBER-BBN and ICN2-CSIC and Group Leader of CIBER-BBN at the ICN2 Nanobiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications Group), who works on a sensor to detect the coronavirus in a faster, easier and cheaper way than with current PCRs, Núria Montserrat (IBEC), who works on micro-kidneys made from stem cells to test a drug able to block the virus, Alfonso Valencia (BSC), who explains the huge computation power that the BSC can bring into play to find already existent drugs that may be suitable to treat Covid-19,  and Gabriel Anzaladi (Eurecat), who studies the presence of the virus in wastewater to estimate the people infected in a given zone or the probability of a new outbreak.

The European Commission is present in all Member States through a network of offices, called “representations”, which aim to report on the Commission’s activity and to bring the policies of the European Union closer to citizens. They are also in charge of capturing the social reality and the climate of opinion at street level and transferring this information to the European institutions in Brussels so that their policies better respond to the needs of citizens. In Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, this work is carried out by the “Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona”.

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Hydrogels structured with dual stimuli responsive for biomedical applications

Researchers of NANBIOSIS Unit 17 Confocal Microscopy Service have participated in the research carried out structuring hydrophobic domains in Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-Methacrylic acid) hydrogels for biomedical aplplications.

Hydrogels are cross-linked polymeric networks, which have the ability to hold a large amount of water in their structure. Hydrogels can be designed to respond to a specific stimulus such as temperature, pH, ionic strength, light, etc., making making them suitable for biomedical applications, as drug delivery.

The most popular responsive polymeric hydrogel is made of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM). The copolymerization of NIPAM with an acrylic/methacrylic acid monomer permits the development of a hydrogel with a dual stimuli response: temperature and medium pH. Additionally, the acid groups can electrostatically interact with positively charged drugs, the interaction being sensitive to pH. Therefore, these hydrogel systems have great potential for drug delivery applications.

At it seemed that the structuring of dual stimuli responsive hydrogels had not been reported, the authors deat with the structuring of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-methacrylic acid) hydrogels to create hydrophobic domains by means of copolymerization of NIPAM with methacrylic acid and a small percentage of a nitrocatechol monomer in an aqueous medium that contained SDS. This structured hydrogel allows is capable of loading hydrophobic molecules as well as charged drugs. The hydrogel permitted cell adhesion and growth as well as its detachment when the temperature fell below the LCST.

As reported in the article, fluorescence images of cells were obtained with a laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) (Leica TCS-SP5) through the Confocal Microscopy Service of ICTS ‘NANBIOSIS’ U17 of the Biomedical Research Networking Centre on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN at the University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain).
equipped with a Diode 405 nm and a continuous Ar ion laser (488, 514,
561 and 633 nm).

Article of refrence:

Structuring hydrophobic domains in Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-
Methacrylic acid) hydrogels. Mar López-González, M. Melia Rodrigo, Mercedes Valiente, Isabel Trabado, Francisco Mendicutib, Gema Marcelo. European Polymer Journal. April 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2020.109695

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Seminar on Molecular probes and gated materials in biomedical applications by Ramón Martínez, now in youtube

Last June 8, 2020,  Ramón Martínez Máñez, Scientific Director of CIBER-BBN and NANBIOSIS U26, gave an on line seminar, hosted by Jaume Veciana and Anna Roig will from ICMAB-CSIC on Molecular probes and gated materials in biomedical applications and communication between nanoparticles.

If you missed the seminar, you can see it now on YouTube:

More information at the ICMAB website.

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NANBIOSIS researchers featured in the 15th Edition of Spanish Researchers Ranking

The 15th edition of the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities has been published, ranking researchers in Spain as well as Spaniards doing research abroad. A total of 11 Directors of NANBIOSIS units appear on the most recent list, featured on the top 2000. The list is ordered by the h-index, a metric that calculates research impact based on a correlation of papers published and number of citations, and then by number of citations. The result is a list of whose’s publications have had more impact online.

NANBIOSIS researchers featured are Fernando Albericio (#207), scientific director of U3 Synthesis of Peptides Unit, Ramón Martínez Máñez (#342) U26 NMR: Biomedical Applications II, Jaume Veciana (#459) U6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit, José Luis Pedraz (#906) U10 Drug Formulation unit, Jesús Santamaría (#912) U9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit, Ramón Eritja (#1022) U29 Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform (OSP), Pablo Laguna (#1153) U27 High Performance Computing, Antoni Villaverde (#1249) U1 Protein Production Platform (PPP), Laura Lechuga (#1511) U4 Biodeposition and Biodetection Unit M.Pilar Marco (#1517), U2 Custom Antibody Service (CAbS), and Josep Samitier (#1836) U7 Nanotechnology Unit.

This list reflects on the impact online publication can have as a tool to share knowledge. 

For further information: here

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Open call for contribution to the Special Issue by MDPI in IJMS about “In Vivo Biomarkers for Immunotherapy Efficacy in Brain Tumours”

Ana Paula Candiota, Scientific Coordinator of NANBIOSIS U25 NMR: Biomedical Applications I Unit (from CIBER-BBN and Autonomous University of Barcelona), is the Guest Editor of a special issue launched by MDPI in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF 4.183). This special issue is about In Vivo Biomarkers for Immunotherapy Efficacy in Brain Tumours

Contributions with papers or reviews to this issue, can be fowarded to the Guest Editor (AnaPaula.Candiota@uab.cat) with a tentative title and/or abstract.

Final deadline for submission: 31/10/2020

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Expoquimia hosts the INDUSTRIAL DIALOGUES Webinars with Nora Ventosa

The International Meeting for Chemistry Expoquimia is hosting the INDUSTRIAL DIALOGUES Webinars, a total of 4 seminars discussing different topics related to the cores of the triennial meeting: circular economy, digitalization, and technology transference. This last topic will be covered by Nora Ventosa, Scientific Coordinator of NANBIOIS Unit 6Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit

On 4 June, Nora Ventosa, Nora Ventosa will be moderating the round table on the topic of technology transference both as a researcher of the Nanomol group, from CIBER-BBN and ICMAB-CSIC, and as part of the Expoquimia Organizing Comitée. The discussion will be focused on the topic Creating tools to make innovation a reality. Science and Industry in Action.

You can register to this webinars on the Expoquimia website and follow Expoquimia on Twitter for more updates on the event!

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