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Posts by Nanbiosis

U16-S07. Evaluation of the adhesion capacities and formation of biolayers of microorganisms on materials. Evaluation of bactericidal and/or bacteriostatic responses of materials. OUTSTANDING


Evaluation of the adhesion of microorganisms to surfaces, including the evaluation of their viability. Adhesion can be studied under flow or static and at different contact times. Study of biolayers formed on materials after different growth times. Evaluation of bactericidal and/or bacteriostatic responses using viability kits or plate growth.


Testing of materials with anti-infective objectives. Testing of compounds with antibacterial purpose.

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U16-E07. Equipment for microbiology tests on materials. OUTSTANDING

Description: It is the set of precise elements to carry out microbiological tests with materials. Includes laminar flow adhesion chambers, Robbin devices, shaker and drip bioreactors, fluorescence microscopes, plate readers, ovens, autoclaves, etc.

Technical specifications: Allows quantifications on different types of systems. Depending on the specific conditions, it is possible to evaluate behavior in extensive solid materials or in suspension.

Applications: The services that can be provided with this equipment are:
Evaluation of the adhesion capacities and formation of biolayers of microorganisms on materials. Evaluation of bactericidal and/or bacteriostatic responses of materials.

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U16-S06. Topographical characterisation service using optical profilometry

Topographical characterisation service using optical profilometry

This service makes use of a non-invasive optical method to determine the 3D texture of surfaces using spatial, volumetric and height parameters, from the millimetre to the nanometre range. Confocal profilometry can be used to obtain a complete surface characterisation with roughness parameters, as well as a dimensional characterisation of living microorganisms and their structures. In addition, this service has a high-resolution technique for the characterisation of surfaces with roughness in the nanometre range, such as interferometry, and a fast technique for surfaces with roughness of hundreds of microns, such as focus variation.

Customer benefits

The service will be provided by specialists in characterisation of materials in macroscopic dimensions and in living micro-organisms.
The service works in accordance with ISO, ASTM, ASME and EUR standards. In addition, it can also provide detailed reports according to the needs of the study.

Target customer

The service can meet the needs of companies by providing support for their ISO, ASTM, ASME and EUR controls. In addition, it can also service research groups with detailed reports according to the needs of the study.

Additional information

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U16-S05. Contact angle goniometry characterisation service

Contact angle goniometry characterisation service

This service permits the determination of the surface tension of both solids and liquids under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity, including locally by means of deposited droplets of a volume of the order of 10-12 pL. The service offers the possibility to perform static, advancing and receding contact angle measurements between different liquids and a solid surface. Surface tension and liquid-liquid interfacial tension measurements can also be carried out using the pendant drop method. All these measurements can be carried out in a humidity and temperature controlled environment.

Customer benefits

The service will be provided by specialists in characterisation of materials in macroscopic dimensions or in colloidal systems.
The service works in accordance with ISO, ASTM, ASME and EUR standards. In addition, it can also provide detailed reports according to the needs of the study.

Target customer

The service can meet the needs of companies by providing support for their ISO, ASTM, ASME and EUR controls. In addition, it can also service research groups with detailed reports according to the needs of the study.

Additional information

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1st Forum of CIBER-BBN/NANBIOSIS and CSIC Nanomed Conection researchers

The Nanomed Conection of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the Networking Biomedical Research Center in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), together with its singular infrastructure NANBIOSIS, have organised a Forum on Nanomedicine Research during the days 30 of June and 1st of July to be held at the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC) in Barcelona. The event will be also transmitted on-line previous registration.

This is the first meeting gathering together scientists from CIBER-BBN and its ICTS NANBIOSIS and from the CSIC’ Nanomed Conection with a shared interest in Nanomedicine.

This two days meeting will allow researchers to present their works in progress, share their scientific concerns and needs and discuss the impact of nanomedicine in the emerging fields of drug delivery, diagnosis and therapy.

The programe, available in the web of the forum includes these sessions:

  • Nanobiotechnological solutions for diagnosis and therapy
  • Drug delivery nanosystems
  • Applications for oncology (I and II)
  • Nanomedicine & other frontier applications

Attendance to the Forum (in person / or online) is free prior registration in the web of the forum (following this link):

Registration will remain open until June 26.
We hope to see you there!

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NANBIOSIS in the new poster of ICTS map published by Spanish Goverment.

ICTS underpins the Spanish reputation for research excellence.

In the picture: the new poster of the ICTS map in which NANBIOSIS facilities have been highlighed

The term Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) refers to facilities, resources, or services for the development of top-quality cutting-edge research, as well as the communication, exchange, and preservation of knowledge, the transfer of technology, and promotion of innovation. They are unique or exceptional in their fields, with a high cost of investment, maintenance, and operation, and are of a strategic importance that justifies their availability to all actors in the field of R&D&I. The ICTS share three fundamental characteristics; they are infrastructures with public ownership, unique and open to competitive access.

ICTS offer an opening capacity percentage of their essential services under ‘Competitive Open Access’ for the use by national and international public and private sector researchers, with the support of technical and administrative personnel of the ICTS. Infrastructures access is ruled by a public “Access Protocol” that describes the procedure and criteria for access to the infrastructure. The main features of ‘Competitive Open Access’ are that R + D + i quality of activities developed at the infrastructure should be proven and that requests for access should be prioritized on the basis of objective criteria.

The dissemination of ICTS and their capabilities is essential to provide Spanish and international researchers with access to a large base of quality services and facilities, a basic requirement for the development of excellent science.

The new posster pushised by the General Subdirectorate of Large
Scientific-Technical Facilities of the of the Sapanish Ministry of Science and Research Innovation helps to disseminate and understand the map of ICTS wich are located throughout the country

NANBIOSIS, is one of the five ICTS in the field of Health Sciences and Biotecnology

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U13-E04. Micro-scale tension-compression test system CellScale.

Test system for small samples including:

  • Main equipment (Micro-scale tension-compression test system)
  • Tangential test module (Shear Axis add-on for MicroTester system)

Description: Enhanced for smaller samples, the MicroTester offers improved force resolution, streamlined test setups, and exceptional visual feedback. It’s ideal for a wide range of applications, from tiny tissue samples to hydrogel microspheres, cell spheroids, and engineered microtissues.

Technical specifications: Piezo-electric actuators with 0.1µm resolution Optional second axis imaging Force resolution down to 10nN High resolution CCD imaging Integrated temperature-controlled media bath Fully featured user interface software for simple, cyclic, relaxation, and multi-modal testing with real-time feedback

Aplications: Compression, tension, bending, indentation and shear testing

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U13-S09. Compression-shear test cellscale MicroTester G2

Compression-shear test cellscale MicroTester G2

Compression and shear test applied to a wide range of biomaterial and soft tissues. Force is measured using the difference between the tip and base displacement and the stiffness of the beam that connects them.
Mechanical and viscoelastic properties can be measured.

Customer benefits

  • Adaptable system to the material stiffness properties.
  • Well define testing protocols.
  • Tests are recorded in high definition.

Target customer

Public and private research groups focused on biomaterials and tissue mechanical characterization.


Nicolás Laita, Ricardo M. Rosales, Ming Wu, Piet Claus, Stefan Janssens, Miguel Ángel Martínez, Manuel Doblaré, Estefanía Peña, On modeling the in vivo ventricular passive mechanical behavior from in vitro experimental properties in porcine hearts, Computers & Structures, 292, 2024, 107241, ISSN 0045-7949, Doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2023.107241.

Additional information

Used in BravE project (https://projectbrave.eu/)

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How to accomplish researchers’ goals with Confocal Microscopy: the tools, the know-how and the expertise you need

NANBIOSIS Unit 17 (Confocal Microscopy) is a CIBER-BBN unit located in the Cell Culture Unit, CAI Medicine and Biology, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alcala. This unit of the ICTS NANBIOSIS supports researchers interested on their different studies visualizing diverse samples as tissues, cells, bacterial biofilms, etc. This unit owns the tools, the know-how and the expertise to accomplish researchers’ goals either by transmission or reflection fluorescent.

We are happy of sharing this video in which researchers of Unit 17 show all the steps required for the visualization of the PV-1 molecule, also known as PLVAP, on the gut-endothelium of cirrhotic rats. We look at the whole process, starting by the sample selection following their preparation until its visualization by the confocal fluorescent microscopy, ending up with the analyze process.

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“The almighty graphene”, a podcast by Elisabet Prats

Elisabet Prats Alfonso, a researcher in the team coordinating NANBIOSIS U8 Micro– Nano Technology Unit explains in a podcast her most recent research based on the functionalization of chemical and biochemical sensor platforms as well as the characterization of materials such as graphene for both neuronal recording and biomarker detection. Her work is part of the Graphene Flagship project in which she collaborates with relevant European groups.

Eli Prat as a researcher Ph.D. in Chemistry and also dedicated to dissemination is a great exemple for the NANBIOSIS aim to encourage STEAM scientific vocations especially among girls.

In addition, she is the author, together with Helena González and Oriol Marimón, of the book Elementum and the great robbery of Nurú” (La Esfera de los Libros, 2020), a scientific novel aimed at children .

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