U12-S06. Surface hydrophobicity characterization
Surface hydrophobicity characterization
For this service we offer a Sigma 701 force tensiometer (Biolin Scientific) with software for control, acquisition and data treatment for the measurement of surface and interfacial tensions. It is equipped with Wilhelmy plate and Du Nouy ring accessories. It can also measure contact angle on powder samples (Washburn method)
We also offer an optical goniometer (Ossila) for measurements of contact angle on flat surfaces.
Customer benefits
- Specialized in colloidal samples
- ISO9001 certification for standard quality control system
- Highly qualified and continuously trained staff
- Adapted to customers’ needs
The services provided by the unit are very relevant for product formulation and quality control. Applications include surface contact angle determination of liquids on single fibers (fiber diameter greater than 20 mm), solid (cylindrical or plate shapes) and porous materials (cylindrical or plate shapes).
Target customer
Public research organizations, academia and industry in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetic sectors.
Additional information
More information can be found at https://www2.iqac.csic.es/qci/