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Posts by Nanbiosis

Award to research with micronanotechnology.

The Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering has awarded a medal to Víctor Sebastián Cabeza, researcher of the group “Nanostructured Films and Particles”, which coordinates Unit 9 of NANBIOSIS.

The prize has been awarded in recognition of his work in designing a wide variety of micro-reactors to produce nanomaterials in a controlled and successful manner, reducing time and costs, with applications in Biomedicine, catalysis or energy processes.

Dr Víctor Sebastián also received the prestigious Fulbright scholarship in 2009 to carry out a postdoctoral research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on nanomaterials and its development in microfluidics and in 2014 the European Academy awarded him the Burgen Scholarship Award recognizing him as one of the young researchers with greater scientific projection. Victor works in the field of micronanotechnology for its application in Biomedicine, Catalysis or energy processes. In particular, it has designed a large variety of micro-reactors with sub-millimeter dimensions that allow very precise control of the reaction conditions of the chemical processes that take place in them.

Dr Sebastian is an active member of Unit 9 of Nanobiosis, where he develops microfluidic system for biomedicine that allow a highly precise synthesis of nanomaterials.

Award to research with micronanotechnology.
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Successful meeting on Biomedicine between the University of Turin and NANBIOSIS/CIBER-BBN

Last November 8th, 2016 took place in Barcelona, in the Residence of Researchers of CSIC, a meeting of Italian-Spanish scientists, the first Investigators B2B Forum organized by NANBIOSIS. The meeting reached its objective of bringing together the interests of researchers from University of Turin and NANBIOSIS/CIBER-BBN on biomaterials and nanomedicine.

Nine groups from L’Università di Torino together with sixteen groups from CIBER-BBN and CCMIJU (partners of NANBIOSIS), got together to explain through short presentations of ten minutes, those lines of their work aimed at finding synergies and potential collaborations. In the afternoon, the groups had the opportunity to discuss in more detail, during bilateral interviews coordinated by NANBIOSIS, those aspects that had attracted their attention, as well as, in some cases, to draw potential collaborations.

Topics as preclinical validation of nanomedicines, animal models, custom peptide synthesis, carbon nanotubes and graphene for biomedicine, micronanotecnology, drug microencapsulation, nanoestuctured liquid characterizacion, surface microanalysis of biomaterials, pharmacodynamics, preclinical in vivo MRI and MRSI, tissues and biomaterials MRI, nanoparticles for drug delivery, nanoestructuring soft materials or customized molecular materials for biomedical applications, among others, were discussed during the 75 B2B meetings celebrated.

All the attendees expressed, at the end of the event, the usefulness of the meetings with this format and their satisfaction at having found possibilities of collaboration thanks to their participation in this forum and encouraged NANBIOSIS to continue this initiative.”


Successful meeting on Biomedicine between the University of Turin and NANBIOSISCIBER-BBN
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Extraordinary doctoral award

Ingrid Cabrera, member of the NANOMOL group that coordinates Unit 6 of NANBIOSIS, has obtained the extraordinary doctoral award from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona for her thesis “Nanovesicle-bioactive conjugates to be used as nanomedicines, prepared by a one-step scalable method Using CO₂-expanded solvents“.

This thesis was directed by Jaume Veciana, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS and Nora Ventosa, Scientific Director of Unit 6 of NANBIOSIS.

The main objectives of the  PhD Thesis of Dr. Ingrid Cabrera were the preparation and study of multifunctional nanovesicle based nanoformulation of alfa-galactosidase for the treatment of Fabry desease as well as of another multifunctional nanovesicle based nanoformulation of epidermal growth factor for the treatment of complex wounds. Both nanoformulations were prepared by a one-step procedure using compressed fluids at U6 of Nanbiosis. This platform also provided many nanoparticles characterization facilities that enabled to obtain important information on the supramolecular organization and characteristics of the produced multifunctional nanovesicles that were key for understanding their biological activities.

Extraordinary doctoral award
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Graphene will revolutionize the world

Elisabet Prats, researcer of the GBIO Group, coordinator of Unit 8 of NANBIOSIS, participated in the  #ImproCiencia dissemination event, held on November 16 in Madrid organized by CIBER. Elisabet presented the Neurographene project as a monologue and explained how they are using graphene for Measure the electrical activity of the brain.

Based on the latest microfabrication technologies, the devices consist of graphene microsensor matrices mounted on flexible polymer substrates that adapt to the surface morphology of the brain.

Each sensor detects tiny changes in the electrical activity around it. Thus, the electrical activity generated by the neurons is detected as a small change in the conductivity of the graphene sensor. These devices are already being used in the study of sleep and epilepsy in animal models. The graphene sensor implanted on the brain surface allows the simultaneous recording of electrical activity in different regions of the cortex.

Also, the technology of flexible graphene sensors can be used in other biomedical applications in which it is necessary to obtain relevant information from the cerebral cortex. “Graphene will revolutionize the world,” said Elisabet Prats.

Graphene will revolutionize the world
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New 3D culture device to better understand how tumours work

Scientist of NANBIOSIS in collaboration with other CIBER-BBN researchers have developed a sophisticated microfluidic biomedicine device capable of reproducing in vitro and by 3D bioprinting the complexity of different tumour types. This device allows tumour cells to grow in a 3D environment where nutrients and oxygen are supplied in a controlled way through small capillaries, thus mimicking the body’s own blood vessels.

Thanks to this new technology, it is now possible to reproduce in a controlled way all the processes of the tumour environment, which could help to develop new treatments and combinations of drugs that are more effective for the treatment of these tumours.

In this study, published in Scientific Reports, have participated researchers from the Group of Applied Mechanics and Bioengineering (AMB) of the University of Zaragoza , which coordinates Unit 13 of NANBIOSIS .

Article of reference:

Development and characterization of a microfluidic model of the tumour microenvironment.Jose M. Ayuso, María Virumbrales-Muñoz, Alodia Lacueva, Pilar M. Lanuza, Elisa Checa-Chavarria, Pablo Botella, Eduardo Fernández, Manuel Doblare, Simon J. Allison, Roger M. Phillips, Julián Pardo, Luis J. Fernandez e Ignacio Ochoa. Scientific Reports. 10.1038/srep36086

New 3D culture device to better understand how tumours work
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4 Units of NANBIOSIS hosted in three Universities among the 200 best in the world in science.

The University of Zaragoza is one of the 200 best universities in the world in science research, according to the latest Shanghai ranking of 2016 in a specific analysis by macro areas.

In order to elaborate this ranking by macroareas indicators such as the number of students and professors who have obtained the Nobel prize or Fields medal, the number of researchers highly cited in the scientific literature, the number of scientific articles indexed in the Science Citation Index and the Percentage of articles published in the most cited 20% scientific journals are used.

Only six Spanish universities are among the 200 best in the world in the field of science, such as the Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Barcelona, University of Santiago de Compostela, Polytechnic University of Valencia, University of Valencia and Zaragoza.

The list of the world’s top 200 universities in science is headed by American universities in Berkeley (California), Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and California, which rank the top six. In the seventh one appears the first European university, Cambridge, followed by the one of Tokyo, Technological Institute of Switzerland and the University of Los Angeles.

NANBIOSIS contributes to this success through the elite researchers that coordinate three of its Units located in the University of Zaragoza: Unit 9 that offers services for sciences research as Synthesis of Nanoparticles biomedicine, micronanotechnology or microfluidics biomedicine, Unit 13 with services as tissue and biomaterial characterization or mechanical tests of tissues and Unit 27 which offers services for sciences research on biomedical computer simulation, modelling of biomedical systems or large simulation multicore and multiserver, among other aspects.

In addition, the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Valencia provides the scientific management and part of the equipment to Unit 26 of NANBIOSIS that offers services for research as molecular imaging metabolomics by NMR or metabolic profiling of biofluids by NMR

Three Universities among the 200 best in the world in science, hosting 4 Units of NANBIOSIS.
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The Conferences in Nanotechnology of major reference at Spanish level.

Last November, 7th, the 10th AIN Conference on Industrial Applications of Nanotechnology, held in Zaragoza, brought together experts from research centres, universities and companies on the Industrial Applications of Nanotechnology. Among  them Jordi Reverter, Head of Knowledge and Technology Transfer of ICN2, (Institute housing  Unit 4 of NANBIOSIS) and Ricardo Ibarra, director of Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon (INA) which houses Unit 9 of NANBIOSIS) .

Joan Parra, director of the technology centre LEITAT  of  Catalonia, described the event as “Conferences of greater reference at Spanish level in Nanotechnology

During the meeting, their experience with nanotechnology was shown by the ICTS Elecmi and companies such as Grupo Antolín, Samca Group, BSH Electrodomésticos, Cepsa, Argenol Laboratories and Graphene Nanotech.

Dr. Jose L. Hueso (Unit 9 of NANBIOSIS) presented a recently patented nanocatalyst with great potential for its application in both biomedical and petrochemical fields.

The Conferences in Nanotechnology of major reference at Spanish level.
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Award to the best oral presentation in the 2016 Spanish Society of Cardiology Meeting

The oral presentation entitled “NonInvasive Assessment of an engineered bioactive graft using impedance spectroscopy in a swine myocardial infarction”, presented in the 2016 Spanish Society of Cardiology Meeting, has been awarded.

The Heart Diseases Meeting, held in the town of Zaragoza last 27-29th October, was focused on sharing experiences, making contacts and updating some knowledge.

The event got together cardiologists, general practitioners, researchers, internists, epidemiologists, practitioner residents and nurses, offering more than 140 activities and nearly 1000 communications.

Carolina Gálvez-Montón, Ramón Bragós, Carolina Soler-Botija, Idoia Díaz-Güemes, Cristina Prat-Vidal, Verónica Crisóstomo, Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo and Antoni Bayés-Genís (three of them JUMISC’semployees), were the authors awarded by the best oral presentation.

This is the result of the collaboration between the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital, the Politécnica of Cataluña University, the Autónoma University of Barcelona and the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (JUMISC).

More Information

Award to the best oral presentation in the 2016 Spanish Society of Cardiology Meeting
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Forum and Partnering CIBER-BBN with l’Università degli Studi di Torino

Next November 8, 2016 will be held at the Residence for Researchers of CSIC in Barcelona a meeting between researchers from NANBIOSIS Units and other CIBER-BBN researchers with researchers from the University of Torino.

This event is organized by NANBIOSIS and partially funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through PRONANBIOSIS SAF2015-69388-REDI Project for ICTS.

The event consists of a series of presentations by the assistant research groups and B2B partnership, with more than 60 pre-arranged individual meetings and the possibility of organising new meetings after listening the presentations.

The final object is to interact to seek collaborations and promoting joint projects.

Nanbiosis - Forum and Partnering CIBER-BBN with l’Università degli Studi di Torino
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X Industrial Applications of Nanotechnology Days

On 7 and 8 November 2016, will take place in Zaragoza the X edition of the Industrial Applications of Nanotechnology Days.

This event is organized by the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon (INA) – housing Unit 9 of NANBIOSIS- and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), which houses Unit 4 of NANBIOSIS, in conjunction with the Leitat Technology Centre.

The event consists of  two days : The Nov.7th, in the Chamber of Commerce of Zaragoza: Presentation of new industrial applications in nanotechnology, in which companies will present their multiple industrial applications of nanotechnology and Nov. 8th in the Nanoscience institute of Aragon: Practical day on materials and surfacescCharacterización.

Program information and registration


X Industrial Applications of Nanotechnology Days
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