06 May13:43pm

The Phytech project (funded by the Spanish Government through the Call INNPACTO) has recently finished with the participation of CIBER-BBN, through Unit 16 of NANBIOSIS, the University of the Balearic Islands and the companies NuMat Biomedical and Sanifit).
Unit 16 of NANBIOSIS – Surface Characterization and Calorimetry, coordinated by Dr. M. Luisa Gonzalez, has conducted tests of surface composition by surface characterization techniques (XPS and ToF-SIMS) as well as the analysis microbial response of the raised surfaces in this development
The results of this project have been published in the journal Applied Materials & Interfaces of the American Chemical Society.
For further information clic here
Tags: bacteria adhesion, biocompatible, biofilm, biomaterial, bone implants, phytate, PHYTECH, ToF-SIMS, XPS