Next Tuesday, March 13, at 7:00 pm, in the facilities of the Social Work of Ibercaja of Patio de la Infanta, the third and last conference of the cycle “Mathematics in our life” will take place, organized by the Royal Academy of Sciences of Zaragoza (RACZ).
With the title Mathematics and heart, a tandem with a great future, the last conference will be taught by Esther Pueyo Paules, professor at the University of Zaragoza, researcher at the BSICoS group of CIBER-BBN and I3A of the University of Zaragoza,which coordinates Unit 27 of NANBIOSIS High Performance Computer.
Esther Pueyo is winner of a “Starting Grant” from the European Union for the MODELAGE project to advance in the characterization of aging of the heart and the prevention of cardiac arrhythmias.