• Nova NanoSEM 230
›› High and Low Vacuum field emission Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM ) incorporating:
•• Resolution: 1.6 nm at 1 kV (ETD and TLD detectors) in High Vacuum.
•• Resolution: 1.8 nm at 3 kV (LVD detectors) in Low Vacuum.
•• Field emission filament -> High-resolution images even of non-conductive samples.
•• Backscattered electron detector (vCD detector):
High-resolution images of backscattered electrons.
•• 6-channel preamplifier for detectors of solid state.
•• Compressor.
•• Cryo Can, anti-contamination system.
•• Thermoflex closed wáter circuit.
›› Electron beam lithography system with:
•• High writing resolution (maximum speed of 6 MHz and control of the dwell time < 2 ns).
•• Electrostatic Beam Blanker.
•• Picoammeter exchanger box.
•• Keithley picoammeter.
•• Advanced nanolithography system for microscope.
•• Beam Blanker amplification electronics
•• Software for correcting the Proximity Effect.
•• Universal sample carrier for Lithography.
•• EBL Starter kit.