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NextGeneratonEU – (Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia)

The Spanish Government’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia -PRTR-, in Spanish ) outlines the roadmap for the modernization of the Spanish economy, the recovery of economic growth and job creation, for solid, inclusive and resilient economic reconstruction after the COVID crisis, and to respond to the challenges of the next decade. This Plan receives funding from Next Generation EU funds.
Component 17 of the PRTR, called “Institutional reform and strengthening of the capacities of the national system of science, technology and innovation”, aims to reform the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation to adapt it to international standards and allow the development of their capacities and resources. Specifically, funds have been devoted for strengthening the Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS, for the Spanish words Infraestructuras Científicao Técnicas Singulares) 

In this framework, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has sellected the following NANBIOSIS’ projects and actions to be financed:

I. PROJECT  ICT2021-006987

Description:  Towards a new generation of Infrastructure for the design, production and preclinical characterization of nanomedicines, biomaterials and biomedical systems in the units of the CIBER node of NANBIOSIS. (NANBIOSIS-CIBER 2021). 

Actions / SpendingConcepts Financed
1. Maintenance, improvement and renewal of equipment for hybridoma development laboratory (NANBIOSIS U2)  50.000,00€
2. Maintenance, improvement and renewal of equipment for immunochemistry laboratory (NANBIOSIS U2))  50.000,00€
3. HPLC- PDA (NANBIOSIS U3)  47.000,00€
4. NS300 Violet Laser Module 405 nm (NANBIOSIS U6)  17.500,00€
5. Micropalte Reader with fluorescence module (NANBIOSIS U6)  25.806,00€
6. LASER PYROLYSIS improvement (NANBIOSIS U9)  50.400,00€
7. Analysis of scaffolds for tissue engineering (NANBIOSIS U10) 150.000,00€
8. MicroCT system (NANBIOSIS U13) 250.000,00€
9. Streaming analyzer (NANBIOSIS U16)   70.000,00€
10. Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) (NANBIOSIS U16) 250.000,00€
11. MRI equipment scanner (NANBIOSIS U26) 875.000,00€

II. PROJECT ICT2021-006878

Updating and improvement of the equipment of the IBIMA-BIONAND node of NANBIOSIS.

Actions / SpendingConcepts Financed
1. Workstation Upgrade for Imaging Equipment (NANBIOSIS U28) 34.600,00€
2. Spectrometer Workstation Update (NANBIOSIS U28) 11.393,00€
3. Update of the software acquisition and processing (NANBIOSIS U28)  68.620,00€
4. High-performance workstation for processing (NANBIOSIS U28)    9.477,59€
5. Multiphoton microscope (NANBIOSIS U28) 600.000€