Next May 10, a conference on “Polymers and medical applications” will be held in Vizcaya, with the participation of NANBIOSIS Deputy Director, and JUMISC Scientific Director Dr. Francisco Miguel Sánchez Margallo, as guest speaker, who will give the lecture “Preclinical Research: Success Cases“
The event will count also with the expertise of Dr. Miguel Angel Martínez, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U13 Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit, talking about “Modeling and simulation in biomedical applications”
Other topics that will be discussed at the Conference will be Hydrogels, Nanogels and Nanoparticles for Controlled Release of Bioactive Substances,
The Microfluidics as a Tool for the Development of “Organ-on-a-chip and the Use of Liquid Silicone in Devices for Cell Growth.
Leartiker is a team of researchers dedicated to R+D+I, specialized in Polymer Technology and belonging to the Basque Science and Technology Network (RVCTI).
Registration is free until full capacity is reached.
More information here.