Inverted Leica DMI 6000 fully motorised microscope
Confocal detectors: 2 x HyD, 3 x PMT + 1 transmitted light detector
Tandem Scanner – HQ conventional scanner and high-speed Resonant scanner (28 frames/sec @ 512 x 512)
AOBS (Acousto-Optical beam splitter) – brighter and more flexible than con-ventional beam splitters
Optical zoom up to 64x (maximum resolution is dependent on the objective used)
Choice of objectives:
- Plan Apo Oil immersion: 100x (1.4 NA), 63x (1.4 NA Blue), 40x (1.3 NA)
- Plan Apo 20x (0.7 NA) multi-immersion (water, glycerol, oil) 0.26mm WD
- Plan Apo 10x (0.4 NA) dry
- Plan Apo 25x (0.95 NA) water immersion, IR corrected for multiphoton, 2.2mm WD
9 Laser lines in the visible range:
- Violet 405nm (50mW), Blue Argon 458nm, 476nm, 488nm, 496nm, 514nm (65mW) Green DPSS 561nm (20mW), Orange HeNe 594nm (2mW), Red HeNe 633nm.
High Performance Mai-Tai titanium-sapphire IR femtosecond pulse laser for multi-photon imaging, tunable from 690-1040nm (maximum power 800nm∼ 2.9W)
Microscope enclosure with temperature, humidity and CO2 control
High precision Super Z motorized stage with multi-point and multi-tile soft-ware control. 3nm resolution galvometric z-axis control