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Posts on Jan 1970

2nd Open call 2023 for preferential access to the NANBIOSIS ICTS

NANBIOSIS opens in June the 2nd competitive open call 2023 for its “Cutting-Edge Biomedical Solutions” and services.

NANBIOSIS is a Research Infrastructure for Biomedicine made up of the Platforms of the Center for Centro de Ivesntigación Biomedica en Red (CIBER- in the area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine -CIBER-BBN), the Preclinical Infrastructure and the Development of Minimally Invasive Technologies, of the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (CCMIJU) and the Nanoimaging unit of the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga-Nanomedicine Platform (IBIMA-BIONAND Platform).

NANBIOSIS as part of the Spanish Map of ICTS (an acronym for “Scientific and Technical Unique Infrastructures” in Spanish), approved by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, is open to all interested national and international users who may come either from the public or the private sector, and who can apply for access under the “Competitive Open Access” or “Access on Demand” modalities.

The 20% of the NANBIOSIS Units’ capacity is granted on the Competitive Open Access modality and will be prioritized according to criteria of scientific and technical quality and singularity of the proposals.

There are 2 calls per year for open and competitive access that allow the prioritisation of the best service proposals. https://www.nanbiosis.es/call/

The 2nd call of 2023 will open on June 1 and applications can be submitted throughout the whole month (due date June 30th). Access application forms submitted after that date will be processed as “access on demand” applications.

Proposals granted in the open and competitive access modality must meet, at least, one of the circumstances listed in the access application form (“order request“), in order to demmonstrate their scientifc and technical quality or singularity.

Thus, for example, applications related to R&D projects funded through national or European calls are eligible, as well as the need to carry out one of the NANBIOSIS “Cutting-Edge Biomedical Solutions” that implies the interaction of several Units, among others.

NANBIOSIS Cutting-edge Biomedical Solutions

Related news:

1st Open call 2023 for preferential access to the ICTS NANBIOSIS

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Workshop on Hyperthermic Oncology

Next Friday, June 9, 2023, a Workshop on Oncological Hyperthermia entitled “Clinical Implementation of Oncological Hyperthermia in Spain and Europe: current situation and prospects” will be held in Barcelona. The location of the event is at the Hotel Front Marítim in Barcelona and the scheduled time is from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Relevant speakers will present an updated vision on the different modalities of hyperthermia that are being used for cancer treatment. Jorge Contreras (Coordinator of the Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology ) will give a session on the current situation of clinical hyperthermia in Spain. Daniel Ortega (Coordinator of the National Network of Nanotechnology in Translational Hyperthermia) and Teresa Macarulla (Coordinating Investigator of the NoCanTher study on the use of magnetic nanoparticles associated with hyperthermia treatment in pancreatic cancer) will present their experience with a nanotechnological health product in said trial. After a break, Giammaria Fiorentini (Director of the Oncology Unit of the Muraglia di Pesaro Hospital) will give a vision of the use of electro-modulated hyperthermia in pancreatic cancer and in a round table, different professionals will give therir global vision of the application of these techniques from preclinical to clinical implementation.

In addition, regulatory aspects will also be covered. Luc van Hove (Medical, Regulatory and Clinical Affairs expert) will speak from a European perspective on the regulation of medical devices and in vitro diagnostics; while Julia Caro (Head of the area of the National Center for Certification of Sanitary Products) will do so from the perspective of a notified body.

Further information and registration at this link: https://forms.office.com/e/0251iMc2LT

There is additional information at:
-Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/posts/safenmt_hyperthermia-magnetic-barcelona-activity-7062697943509737472-85wP?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop.
-Twitter https://twitter.com/abasolo_vhir/status/1659074218850484224

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New look of Nb4D – CAbS (NANBIOSIS U2) “Revolutionising Diagnosis”

Nb4D has a new look on line! Nb4D Group (of IQAC-CSIC and CIBER-BBN) has lunched a new website “Revolutionsising Diagnosis with the aim to facilitate a faster and easier navigation througth their “pioneering research to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches” and their solutions and expertise to help researchers and companies.

Antibodies, bioreceptors, hapten design and synthesis, immunoanalytical method development, new ivd tools, surface functionalization, therapeutic antibodies and much more knowledge and expertise revolutionising diagnosis.

The new website contains a page for CAbS-NANBIOSIS. Custom Antibody Service (CAbS), unit 2 of the ICTS NANBIOSIS

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NABIHEAL project launches website

The website for NABIHEAL, an EU-funded Horizon Europe project developing biomaterials for complex wound healing, is now online.

The Horizon Europe project NABIHEALi project is coordinated by the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER) at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC).

This project will apply one the Cutting Edge Biomedical Solutions” of NANBIOSIS for the preparation of different nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, required for the development of the final multifunctional wound healing biomaterials. This case will gather the expertise of two NANBIOSIS unit: NANBIOSIS U6 will produce and characterize these nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, which will be tested in NANBIOSIS U16.

Find out more about the project and what its impact will be, and browse the 14 partners from 7 countries to see how each contributes to the project’s objectives. NABIHEAL WEBSITE

Related news: New European Project NABIHEAL in biomaterials for complex wound healing

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U6-E08. Mastersizer 2000

Mastersizer 2000 – Malvern


The Mastersizer 2000 uses the laser diffraction technique to measure the size and particle size distribution of materials. This is carried out by measuring the intensity of light scattered when a laser beam passes through a sample of dispersed particles. The detectors measure light intensity for red and blue light. The data is analyzed to calculate the size of the particles that created the scattering pattern.

The equipment contains two sample dispersion units:
– Wet: for samples in solution, which can be applicable to different solvents.
– Dry: for solid samples in powder form, which are dispersed by a current of air.

Technical specifications:

• Particle size: 10 nm – 3.5 mm
• Measurement principle: Mie and Fraunhofer dispersion
• Light source:
– Red: He-Ne (632.8 nm)
– Blue: LED (470 nm)
• Optical Alignment: Automatic rapid alignment system with darkfield optical reticle and multi-element alignment detector
• Dispersion units:
– Dry route
– Wet route
• Operating temperature: 5º to 40º C


• Molecular and particle size distribution analysis.
• Powder fluidity analysis
• Particle compression density analysis
• Stability analysis in suspensions and emulsions
• Analysis of the dissolution rate of materials
• Determination of the reaction rate in solid systems

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