U18-E12. Decloaking Chamber NxGen (Anacron diagnostics)

U12-E21. Fluorimeter Cary Eclipse (Varian) Fluorimeter Cary Eclipse (Varian) for fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminiscence, bioluminiscence measurements.
U12-E20. Osmometer Type 15 (Löser Messtechnik) Description: Instrument for the determination of osmolality via the measurement of freezing point Applications: Measurement of osmolality of biomedical samples
U12-E18. Viscosimeter RVDV-II P (Brookfield) Description: Applications:
Brookfield viscometer with a wide measurement range from 25 mPa.s to 64 MmPa.s. It is equipped with an accessory (Small Sample Adaptor SSA) for samples of small volume (7-13.5 mL).
Viscosity measurements.
U12-E17. Zetasizer NanoZ (Malvern Instruments)
Instrument for the measurement of zeta potential, using the M3-PALS technology for the determination of electrophoretic mobility. Temperature can be controled from 2 to 90 ˚C. It uses disposable capillary cells “Universal Dip Cell” for standard Zeta potential measurements in organic and aqueous solvents, and it can use the “High Concentration Cell“ for measurements at high concentrations
Measurement of electrophoretic mobility and zeta potential in dispersions
U12-E15. SEM Hitachi TM-1000 (Hitachi) Description: Applications:
Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope.
Observations of the morphology of solid samples, such as polymeric and synthetic particles, meso/macroporous materials, textiles, etc., with high field depth (it allows focusing simultaneously on a wide portion of the sample) and relatively high resolution (in the nanometer range). Samples do not need to be electrical conductive, and therefore, coating with a very thin metal layer (e.g. Au, Pd) is not always required. The only sample requirement is the absence of volatile components, including water humidity