+34 620 10 75 37info@nanbiosis.com


U20-E02. Equipment for histological processing

Equipment for histological processing:

The facility has the equipment necessary for fixation(chemical or by freezing), preparations of blocks, slicing and staining using various techniques, from conventional to immunohistochemical stains. The set-up includes everything from the automatic tissue processor to a paraffin embedding station, two microtomes, anautomated staining systems and a microscope for digital registration of the samples.

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U20-E01. Optical imaging equipment

Optical imaging equipment:

– Xenogen IVIS ® Spectrum: is a high sensitivity, low background noise system for non-invasive optical imaging which enables bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging of cells (in vitro), entire animals (in vivo) and organs (ex vivo).

– Leica MacroFluo™: is a precision macroscope with filters for multiple fluorochromes, a Z16 APO (16:1) zoom system and a CCD camera to monitor and record the fluorescence of entire organs and tissues at high resolution with no need to process them histologically.

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U20-S01. Non-invasive optical imaging (bioluminescence and fluorescence) (Remote) OUTSTANDING

The service includes de use of singular equipment for optical in vivo imaging (IVIS® Spectrum and Macrofluo) for the acquisition and quantification of bioluminescent and/or fluorescent images in vitro, in vivo or ex vivo.

Quantification services, as well as support on the analysis of obtained images by specialized personnel is also included.

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U20-S02. Animal models in oncology (Remote) OUTSTANDING

The unit/platform has strong background in oncology and counts with different type of cancer mouse models, all of them monitorable by means of bioluminescence imaging. They include subcutaneous models in a great variety of cancer types (prostate, colon, breast, pancreas, kidney, etc.) and also orthtopic and experimental metastasismodels.

The unit/platform can also set-up and validate novel xenograft models upon request.

 List of available models

  • Subcutaneous models (different cell lines and cancer types)
  • Orthotopic models:
    • Intraprostatic
    • Intramammary (i.m.f.p.)
    • Stereotactic
    • Ceccum
    • Intrapulmonar
  • Experimental metastases:
    • Intracardiac (bone metastases)
    • Intravenous (lung metastases)
    • Intraportal (liver metastases)
  • Spontaneous metastases
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U20-S03. In vivo Experimental consultancy (Remote) OUTSTANDING

Planing, execution and interpretation of in vivo assays requirestime and expertise. At this unit, we give consultancy serviceson  preclinical model design, support and advice for research projects, including selection and use of the appropriate imaging system and evaluation and interpretation of the data obtained.

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U20-S04. In vivo Efficay Assays of drugs, nanomedicines, biomaterials and others (Remote) OUTSTANDING

The unit/platform is specialized in oncology and lysosomal storages diseases, and several animal models are available for this type of diseases.

However, we are experienced in developing new efficacy models for testing novel nanomaterials, carriers and therapeutica compounds. Please contact us to see how we can help you in your research Project.

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U20-S05. In vivo Toxicology (Onsite&Remote) OUTSTANDING

Potential target toxicity of new nanomaterials and drug delivery systems has to be carefully evaluated to support further clinical assays.  At U20 we can design, perform and evaluate all type of toxicological studies, including those toxicity analyses performed along with efficacy studiestomore specifically designed long-term or short-term toxicity assays.

Specifically, we provide full services of anatomical pathology, from sample preparation, inclusion, section and staining to anatomopathological evaluation.

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U19-S01. Preclinical studies

Preclinical studies

This service is responsible for conducting regulatory preclinical studies for the pharmaceutical industry and interested companies. Among the studies that can be carried out are: in vivo toxicity studies, local and systemic tolerance and efficacy studies. Pharmacokinetic studies, dosage studies of test products and biocompatibility studies of new drugs and medical devices are also performed.

Customer benefits

These studies are carried out under strict quality regulations, certified with ISO-9001 and Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), quality standards that allow the production of high-precision results.
Therefore, preclinical studies can be carried out in compliance with the strict guidelines of regulatory agencies, ensuring the reliability and traceability of all results and tests carried out in their different services.

Target customer

The services offered may be of interest to different companies and laboratories that work within the pharmaceutical industry. Companies whose objective is to test possible candidates for molecules, drugs or medical devices.


  1. J Bote, et al. Novel ex-vivo database of a murine model of colorectal cancer using optical coherence tomography. Surg Endosc (2022) 36:S325–S674
  2. V Lucas-Cava, et al. Prostatic artery occlusion: Initial findings on pathophysiological response in a canine prostate model. Translational Andrology and Urology. Transl Androl Urol 2022.
  3. Soria F, et al. Heparin coating in biodegradable ureteral stents does not decrease bacterial colonization-assessment in ureteral stricture endourological treatment in animal model. Transl Androl Urol. 2021 Apr;10(4):1700-1710.
  4. Baez-Díaz C, et al. Microencapsulated Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 therapy improves cardiac function and reduces fibrosis in a porcine acute myocardial infarction model. Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 28;10(1):7166.
  5. Moreno-Lobato, B, et al. Use of nanomedicine in preclinical wound healing studies. FarmaJournal; Salamanca T 4, N.º 1, (Feb 2019): 178.
  6. Picado Román, N, et al. Drugs most used in experimental animals in a Research Center. FarmaJournal; Salamanca T 4, N.º 1, (Feb 2019): 236.
  7. Moreno-Lobato B, et al. Analytical Validation Study of Hematological Parameters under Good Laboratory Practice Regulations in Different Laboratory Animal Species. Thromb Haemost Res. 2019; 3(1): 1018.
  8. Ballestín A, et al. A Pre-clinical Rat Model for the Study of Ischemia reperfusion Injury in Reconstructive Microsurgery. J Vis Exp. 2019 Nov 8;(153).
  9. R Blázquez , et al. Altered hematological, biochemical and immunological parameters in a porcine myocardial infarction model: predictive biomarkers for the severity of myocardial infarction. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 205 (2018) 49–57.
  10. Vela FJ, et al. Evaluation of antigen-induced synovitis in a porcine model: Immunological, arthroscopic and kinetic studies. BMC Vet Res. 2017. Apr 7;13(1):93.
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U22-E06. Room for receipt and handling of animals

One hall for the reception and handling of animals.

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U22-E07. Quarantine rooms pre-experimental process

2 quarantinerooms pre-experimental process

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