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U19-E03. Automatic coagulometer (AUTOCLOT SP de RAL)

Automatic coagulometer (AUTOCLOT SP de RAL)

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U19-E02. Solid state thermostatic equipment 37 º C + – 0,1 º C with magnetic stirrer system, 15 reaction cubiletes and a reacive bottle

Solid state thermostatic equipment 37 º C + – 0,1 º C with magnetic stirrer system, 15 reaction cubiletes and a reacive bottle.

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U19-E01. General Laboratory equipment

General Laboratory equipment:

  • Precision balance
  • pH-meter
  • Magnetic stirrer
  • TI LAZO Temperature IKA TC 3 (YELLOW LINE)
  • Rotary shaker
  • PGW Balance (ADAM)
  • Logger Temperature
  • Thermohygrometer
  • Freezer 2-8 ºC
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U18-E08. Electrophoresis systems

Electrophoresis of cell extracts is performed to evaluate protein expression by Western Blot assays.

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U18-E07. Plate readers

A FLUOstar OPTIMA spectrophotometer is used for the measurement of cell viability assays by absorbance and also for protein quantification. Fluorescence assays can be also performed with this plate reader

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U18-E06. Tip and bath sonicators

Tip and bath sonicators.

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U18-E05. Equipment for cutting and staining histological sections

These equipments (HistoCore BIOCUT Leica microtome, a cooling plate and a bath) are used for cutting paraffin blocks of histological samples in order to perform hematoxilin&eosin staining or immunohistochemistry analyses.



Cooling plate

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U18-E04. Equipment for paraffin processing

Equipment for paraffin processing: tissue processors and inclusion stations.

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U18-E03. Dissection hoods

Dissection hoods.

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U18-E02. Autoclaves, refrigerators, freezers and liquid nitrogen tanks

Autoclaves for sterilization of buffers, media or material (tips, tubes, eppendorfs,…). Refrigerators, freezers (-20ºC and -80ºC) and liquid nitrogen tanks for the preservation of reagents, samples and cells.


Refrigerators and -20ºC freezers

 Freezers (-80ºC)

Freezers (-80ºC)

Nitrogen liquid tanks

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