Next Friday, 21st April, we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the new JUMISC, betting on training and on research and development activities.
In its ten years of background we emphasize the following figures:
- 500 trained physicians,
- 160 training activities per year
- More than 100 R&D projects with 7.930.800 € funding
- 17 patents,
- The creation of a spin-off,
- The development of 25 apps,
- More than 623 scientific collaborators,
- 500 visits received from more than 500 institutions.
10 years full of training courses and European R&D projects. We are so proud for the promotion and creation of the Clúster Sociosanitario of Extremadura (Health Cluster), for obtaining the Good Laboratory Practice to carry out preclinical trials, for launching a Program of training on Assisted Reproduction, for creating a 3D Department to develop apps, for being included as ICTS in the Spanish Map of Singular Facilities and in the CIBER-CV (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares).
Jesus Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (JUMISC), one of NANBIOSIS partners together with CIBER-BBN, is a multidisciplinary institution devoted to research and innovation in health sciences.
Further info about our achievement in: