25 May12:10pm
Software packages for data acquisition and processing:
- Paravision, Topspin and Amix.
- Users will have access to the database of spectra of diffe¬rent substances for metabolomics through this ac¬cess http://sermn. uab.cat/wiki/doku.php?id=bbiorefcode. This database is installed in a SeRMN computer, fully accessible to facility users.
- The AMIX software page (http://www.bruker-biospin.com/amix. html) contains more information about its different applications: analysis of mixtures, metabolomic stu-dies, etc.
- Other packages include the INTERPRET decision-support system for human brain tumour diagnosis based on MRS and SpectraClassifier, for pattern recognition of in vivo MRS data single and multivoxel are developed and distributed through the platform (http://gabrmn.uab.es).